
Me: yayyyyyyyy I am freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Friend: Only for a week <------------ *headshot*

The end

Lol so ya that's basically how my friend asked for it xD Can you really blame me? Today was our last exam and so we got a week off yay~! and to celebrate we fit around 8-9 people in a single car xD and went to have ice cream. So we are having ice cream and me and my friend are like we want another (we hadn't even eaten the first one half yet) so our friend buys us each another. So basically me and her are standing there with two ice creams and trying to figure out which one to eat first xD End result, I got a tongue freeze rather then a brain freeze xD So ya let's just say its an experience we are never going to forget haha xD

Ah~! freedom feels so nice <3 I haven't posted here in ages because of all the busyness and what not, so I thought DO EEEEEEET xD So I am doing it =w= So how is everyone? What are you guys upto? I hope your all safe and sound.

p.s its 5 am now almost, so forgive me for my crazyness right now xD
