Akako is asleep and teh alram goos off. she hit it and turn ovr. she did not wanto get up. im kinda ike tat 2. my mom say it hard 2 get me up in teh morning!
then akako alrm go off agin. tis tim she get up and she yawn B/cuz she still asleepy and her mom yell at her like my mom does.
Akako mom POV
"Akako! Git up! and git dreesed!"
Akako POV
"Ok mom! im awake!"
akako git up. and she walked to the bathroom to brushed her teeth she brush the top teeth and then teh bottem teeth. And then those dificult ones in the back. She got one of them tooth brushed tat mak it eay 2 do tat! ten she flossed.
she is geeting dressed in the closet. She put on teh cloths she wears. She thinking "This is my life." and tats about it.
Ten she brushed her hare. She luv to brush her hair. it was a preety color.
ok ok now i remember what happens! She eat her toats next. and her mom is all like "Hey Akako! eat ur toast fat or u b late 4 skool!"
I was lat 4 skool once. I missed my bus and my sissy had 2 drive me. all teh kids at skool laff at me b/cuz i was late or b/cuz i 4got my pants. Im not shur wich.
Akoko leev 4 skool. and she thinking "my nam Akako. I live wit my adopted family." Tat what she thinked. Now she talked out loud but i dont no to who? "I dont remeber ne thing about me past! i only remember teh family i hav since i was a baby. it not a bad life". I dont rember anyting frum teh age 4 and on. sometims i tink it wud b kewl if i cud fly.
Akako mom POV
"I worred evry day tat Akako will dicover teh truh." She worried tat Akako dicover somting? I wunder wat it is?
Akako POV
She is upset B/cuz she tink noting happen in her twon. Noting happend in my twon either. Not even the murder next door. I wished tat sum ting happened soon.
Akako is at teh bus stop waiting 4 teh bus. "im waiting 4 teh buss she said"
Saya cum up 2 her and Akako says "Oh HI Saya!' and saya is all like "What do u want?" Except she all yelly. and akako say 2 Saya "I have my historie notes if u want 2 boro tem." Akako is all friendly and Saya just scream at her"Y WUD I WANT ANY TING FRUM U!? " I puted an angre face b/cuz saya angry. Akako is sad. she just trying 2 b Saya friend. "I just trying 2 b ur friend Saya" she say. "Y WUD I WANT U 4 A FEIND?" saya is yelling again. Akako sad. She just try to mak friends and sall Saya does is yeel and stomp off. Then Saya get mad and stomp off. Akako realized tat she remembered tat she forgot her history test 2day! She shud hav studied more instead of paying vidieo gams! I do tat 2. I luv my video gams! My fav is harvest moon. I picked Rock B/cuz he kwet. I also liek palying with my miis.
Akako realizes tat teh bus don cum 4 a while so she decides to ream her notes over. She is reading her notse. She is still reading tem. She reading tem still. Teh bus cums b4 she can read tem. OH no!!! Poor Akako. she might faile now!. ten wat will happen 2 teh farm!?.
She on teh bus now. it cam b4 she cud read her notes.
her lipstick dissapear like 7 time now. her shirt change.
"Sam old bus same old ting."She tink.
Now 4 sum razen she talked out loud. She say"I wished i had sum adventure and .....*akako blush* may B alittle romance!" She don't have a boy friend "All teh boys at my skoool R DUMB!"
Saya looking at her with a meen face. Saya dont like her even tho Akako try to b friends. I hope she get to study her notes mor at skool. she did not have tim 2 red tem all. B/cuz the bus came.
End chapter 1