So, i decided i need a new intro. First of all, i would happily go by YG so don't try to get my real name. I am going to be 17 this year and i hav the colest car on the block! actually, its a 95 rabbit. the color of a rotten tomato. I love Inuyasha and Vampire Knight. I f i had a choice between Kaname and Zero, i would sooo go for Kaname! I am what you call in school an emo. On days, i like like i am, but i am a scene emo. yes there is a difference. my fav colors are black and red. sometimes hot pink, too. I am in a garage band and get this, i am the only girl in it! i play piano. I hav to give credit to Ai=love because she introduced me to the O. its an incredible place! And i am random at some points.


coolz peoplez usez Zs atz thez endz ofz theirz sentencez!

Did you know that 50% of the world fart on a regular basis? Come on guys! let the gas OUT!!!!


Below, is a youtube thing of Cloud and Aerith. I love Advent Children!

out and over, red rover

People, it has been a pleasure of being here on the O. but i must stop my little world here and therefore be gone. if u want to keep in touch, my e-mail is Farewell to thee and may the spirits be with you.


omg, people. i am so so so so so so so sorry i havn't been on. mum bloked my post page and so i am using my bro's account. she is being a pain in the a## and i am getting tired of it. geez, i am glad that i am going to b 18 next year. i can finally move out!!!!!!! lets check in on me shall we?

My summer sux, my dogs are fighting, the band isn't really good at the moment, tyler and i got into an argument, i am being shunned from my friends, my work is closing down, i cried for 2 days because of michael and farrah, i gained 10 pounds in 2 months, i am getting sick and tired of my mum, i actually beat a game (FABLE 2), abo0ut to kill meself, changing my wardrobe a bit (adding more color, but still emo) purchased my second manga (nana vol 1), going to murder who ever pats me on the back again, don't like being touched, frightfully scarred of my mum, about to go insane if i do'nt get out of the house for a couple of weex, having a very bad case of writers block, learned that i am being replaced by my friend because i cann't sing normally or draw perfectly (another story), having more thoughts of suicide, losing hope to life, narrowing down who actually likes me and hates me, trying not to murder my mumn in her sleep, turns out i am being held back into sophmore year, thinking about packing up and leaving my family and friends for a new life, and, yes, and i am in desperate need of major friendly love.

so, my life is falling down past the chart. but being in the cyber world and escaping through books has helped me a little. but not alot. i am still pissed that i can't explore life like i want to. you know y? because my mother is holding me back. she keeps on telling me to do stuff that her lazy a## can do. ugh, i even wrote a runaway note. and i hav it planned out. no, i am not telling anyone can i hav a friend who lives near me who is also on here.

gawd, my life sux.

Snot up there, Frank!

Ello, my friends! I am so so so so so so so so so so so sorry I havn't been on for the longest time. My computer froze and got a virus, and now my pictures and stuff are G-O-N-E. Oh sorrow!

So, lets get up to date: I had an absesive tooth for the longest time, went to the hospital and got a shot in the butt, half of my butt is numb because the nurse hit a nerve, and i hav gained 5 freakin pounds, going through a depression stage, having the "thoughts" coming back to me about suicide, lost my motivation to keep calm, Danny is talking about taking me on vacation for awhile, getting serious with Danny, my dog is jelous when Danny comes over, got into a fight with a cheerleader at the last basketball game because she was saying that Danny should go for her, got out of school early because of the fight (i didn't get exspelled), all of the band is going to a different place for summer (except Danny), and worst of all, I feel like nobody wants me. I mean, I only hav Danny, Lemons, and my friend Jessica that are my true best friends, besides the band, But does that count?

So, I am glad to be back on the O. At least I think I still have friends on here.


hey i wont be on 4 a while but i still luv you guys!!


i am so freakin sorry that i havn't been on for a week. i got grounded from the computar. anyways, nothing much has been going on. Just that Danny just got a GF and she doesn't like me, Kay and Corey and Liz are going on a field trip and i can't come cause i hav to work, and my a close friend is a prego. For me, just that i actually cleaned my room after a year of messiness, i got a new phone with Bluetooth and a Camera, having wacky mood swings, and about to throw up if I hear another word about the Twilight Movie. Yes, i was a Twi-fan WAY before the movie. But when the movie came out, its like Twilight here and Twilight there. Twilight t-shirts, Twilight bags, Twilight shoes, Twilight posters, Twilight pillows, Twilight hats, Twilight Twilight TWILIGHT!!!! GAWD! i can't even imagine wut it is going to b like when New Moon comes out.

i better quit before i explode.