So, i decided i need a new intro. First of all, i would happily go by YG so don't try to get my real name. I am going to be 17 this year and i hav the colest car on the block! actually, its a 95 rabbit. the color of a rotten tomato. I love Inuyasha and Vampire Knight. I f i had a choice between Kaname and Zero, i would sooo go for Kaname! I am what you call in school an emo. On days, i like like i am, but i am a scene emo. yes there is a difference. my fav colors are black and red. sometimes hot pink, too. I am in a garage band and get this, i am the only girl in it! i play piano. I hav to give credit to Ai=love because she introduced me to the O. its an incredible place! And i am random at some points.
Did you know that 50% of the world fart on a regular basis? Come on guys! let the gas OUT!!!!
Below, is a youtube thing of Cloud and Aerith. I love Advent Children!
i just visited utube and i had this AMAZING idea! there are some people on there that go under the channel TheLosersFromNowhere and they are like AWESOME! I am thinking about video taping me and my friends doing stupid things during the day. Random stuff or yeah. But they thing is, I hav to wait for a little more than a month to get a camcorder or wwateva it is. I am probably going to name the channel "TheLaughingEmos" or something along that line. So, if you would check out "thelosersfromnowhere" you would see why i want to do this. Also "ownTApownTApawn" is another channel of theirs, but 2 of their friends made it. I LOVE THEM!
Heres a pic of something I fonud on the net.
(believe it or not, they are GUYS!)
Before all of these things that are about Twilight came on TV and the Movies, I was a die hard Twilight, New Moon, etc. fan. Then when Twilight came out, I grew tired of it. Don't get me wrong, but the Twilight Saga is AMAZING! But people who became fans of The Saga is only when the movie was launched. And some havn't even read The Saga! Sorry, but I am against the Book Turned Movie deal. It just tears the book up! Like the Anne Rice books that turned into movies: EVERYTHING WAS WRONG! And The Secret of Nimh: don't get me started! The Books are ALWAYS the best movies! If you are wondering, yes, I am a bookworm. Always have. I've even read all of Shakespear's creations. But The Saga should have remained a book. And yes, I know that alot of people have read the book BECAUSE of the movie. That's good. But please! PEOPLE! BOOKS ARE MOVIES TOO! Just you have to read, not just sit on your bum and watch people acting out some parts of the book. Sit on your bum and exercise your abilities to read and imagine! You know, imagination is very poor nower days. And you can tell. Such as people turning the books into movies.
Okay, I am getting worked up and so I am going to quit.
so, i live in southern U.S. and today, we were out of school b-cause of the weather. The thing is their was a blanket of ice on the roads. Some of you people might think that we Southerners are spoiled.
.....yeah, we are.
Anyways, i got one of the latest additions of SIMS and i played it all day. My boss had called and she said their was no work today. I was bummed out, because i babysit for the boss. i watch her grandson. 9 months and such a handfull!
Lets see. Sometimes, i wonder if anyone reads my blogs. i know i havn't posted in like FOREVER. but i am getting back on. But, i might quit. But, i might not. IDK.
This morning, i let out my dog outside and i watched him play in the snow/ice. (its his second winter) My porch was sooo slippery, that he shot off when he ran from inside the house to the outside. sorry to say, but i laughed. i mean, hav u ever seen a dog do that? but when i went out to take out the trash, i went down the ramp to my garbage can. BAD IDEA! I try to stop midway, by i slipped and slid down the rest of the way. But then i stood up again and slipped back down. my rear-end is sore now.
Well, my first piano lesson was ok. i love my teacher! she won first place in state 3 years in a row! she is very very nice and she gave me ginger bread cookies! Her hubby is like one of those Lord of The Ring nerds and also Star Wars. I didn't actually meet him, but i figured from the living room memerbilia.
Wow, that is ALOT! well, got to go. Hope you all are staying warm and not freezing you arse off!
ok, so don't get mad at me for note posting in like centuries! i just got sidetracked with work and family issues. my dog Sunny got a broken tail from another dog beating him up, so he is inside, sleeping on my bed. you know, he so reminds me of that dog Marley off of that movie. i mean, the attitude and how they look are sooooo similar! its creepy! but i cried at the end of that movie because.... well, u hav to watch it to understand. my abusive father called yesterday after a year and called to check up on me. my mom wanted to talk to him about child support, but he didn't want to talk to her. so, after i hung up, mom called hi back, but he wouldn't answer. i hav made the hard discion of not talking to him because he is acting like an arse.
*sigh* i hav learned that i hav severe depression yesterday. wuts funny is that i hav been goin to counseling for so many years, that they now recognized it! heck, my friends figured it out WAY before the shrink! he's like stupid or something. i hav earned the nickname Emo Bear, because, for one, i likebears and i hav brown hair, and a Native American, and yes, i am emo. anyways, i got to go to piano lessons. even though i can't read notes, i can play by ear.
every year i come to the cemetery
our journals of love, i do carry
years have passed since my lover's deasth
with his own, he took my breath
shadows around me move on their ow
I see a face of sacred stone
My darling angel, where are you now?
to live this life, i do not know how
staring at me is the jilted moon
who never had him over which to swoon
six centuries shared has turned to six feet
the wholeness once felt has become incomplete
i hang my head to weep at our seperation
to fully experience what is now desperation
as i hang my head i do not know why
but i feel eyes staring at me as i cry
hen will the season of winter pass from my heart
and i know it is when we are no longer apart.