so, i live in southern U.S. and today, we were out of school b-cause of the weather. The thing is their was a blanket of ice on the roads. Some of you people might think that we Southerners are spoiled.
.....yeah, we are.
Anyways, i got one of the latest additions of SIMS and i played it all day. My boss had called and she said their was no work today. I was bummed out, because i babysit for the boss. i watch her grandson. 9 months and such a handfull!
Lets see. Sometimes, i wonder if anyone reads my blogs. i know i havn't posted in like FOREVER. but i am getting back on. But, i might quit. But, i might not. IDK.
This morning, i let out my dog outside and i watched him play in the snow/ice. (its his second winter) My porch was sooo slippery, that he shot off when he ran from inside the house to the outside. sorry to say, but i laughed. i mean, hav u ever seen a dog do that? but when i went out to take out the trash, i went down the ramp to my garbage can. BAD IDEA! I try to stop midway, by i slipped and slid down the rest of the way. But then i stood up again and slipped back down. my rear-end is sore now.
Well, my first piano lesson was ok. i love my teacher! she won first place in state 3 years in a row! she is very very nice and she gave me ginger bread cookies! Her hubby is like one of those Lord of The Ring nerds and also Star Wars. I didn't actually meet him, but i figured from the living room memerbilia.
Wow, that is ALOT! well, got to go. Hope you all are staying warm and not freezing you arse off!

