i am so freakin sorry that i havn't been on for a week. i got grounded from the computar. anyways, nothing much has been going on. Just that Danny just got a GF and she doesn't like me, Kay and Corey and Liz are going on a field trip and i can't come cause i hav to work, and my a close friend is a prego. For me, just that i actually cleaned my room after a year of messiness, i got a new phone with Bluetooth and a Camera, having wacky mood swings, and about to throw up if I hear another word about the Twilight Movie. Yes, i was a Twi-fan WAY before the movie. But when the movie came out, its like Twilight here and Twilight there. Twilight t-shirts, Twilight bags, Twilight shoes, Twilight posters, Twilight pillows, Twilight hats, Twilight Twilight TWILIGHT!!!! GAWD! i can't even imagine wut it is going to b like when New Moon comes out.
i better quit before i explode.