Ello, my friends! I am so so so so so so so so so so so sorry I havn't been on for the longest time. My computer froze and got a virus, and now my pictures and stuff are G-O-N-E. Oh sorrow!
So, lets get up to date: I had an absesive tooth for the longest time, went to the hospital and got a shot in the butt, half of my butt is numb because the nurse hit a nerve, and i hav gained 5 freakin pounds, going through a depression stage, having the "thoughts" coming back to me about suicide, lost my motivation to keep calm, Danny is talking about taking me on vacation for awhile, getting serious with Danny, my dog is jelous when Danny comes over, got into a fight with a cheerleader at the last basketball game because she was saying that Danny should go for her, got out of school early because of the fight (i didn't get exspelled), all of the band is going to a different place for summer (except Danny), and worst of all, I feel like nobody wants me. I mean, I only hav Danny, Lemons, and my friend Jessica that are my true best friends, besides the band, But does that count?
So, I am glad to be back on the O. At least I think I still have friends on here.