SO. I'm back after another 2 years. I've matured a lot!!! XD uhm, this is still just a of which will probably remain ignored. I just got to ready to my old intro and I was like "wth was I talking about." i'm not goth/punk/emo...i'm just me! :D I'm 18 and i'm going to college. that's all you need to know. if you want more info just ask. oh, a note about my art. i've been drawing since 8th grade, and I specialize in African American art. i feel like there needs to be more of it! i'm trying to work on this manga called Archangel...but I'm sorta lazy and I get bored easily. :/



We only want to send you to sleep through your bedroom speakers...

There's a world outside of my front door that gets off on being down... rawr. I went to the park today and cut my elbow on the swings. It was bleeding and I didn't even know it. I got blood on my khaki sho...

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They taped over your mouth, scribbled out the truth with their lies....

Nothing compares to...a quiet evening alone.

Teehee! I just felt like doing that for some reason. Crushcrushcrush by Paramore is stuck in my head at the moment. Paramore rules. =D Bye bye now.

What's wrong now?

I feel like crap again. I mean today was an AWESOME day until I got home. T_T Urgh. My cousin lied and said that I broke his mom's headphones. I'm f*cking tired of this. I want him to go home. Far away from me. He's annoying. Chat is starting to make me depressed and I don't know why. I think I may have to leave for a few days just to sort things out or something.


Jenny got a gun....

It's 11:25. PM! TEEHEE! Dude I'm like soooooooo tired right now. But I shall post for all joo readers out there who read my posts and care about my life...jk....WHATEVER! So I basically spent all day shopping....spent $88 in total...b...

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100 Things about Me! (stolen from chee.....teehee!

1.) Name: India 2.) DOB: May 11th, 1994 3.) Nicknames: indy, heart, kruez, h.k., cruiser, heart chick, pwner (teehee i wish), engine #9, jerk.... 4.) Bad habits: When I go in my room sometimes to get something I always end up goi...

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