SO. I'm back after another 2 years. I've matured a lot!!! XD uhm, this is still just a of which will probably remain ignored. I just got to ready to my old intro and I was like "wth was I talking about." i'm not goth/punk/emo...i'm just me! :D I'm 18 and i'm going to college. that's all you need to know. if you want more info just ask. oh, a note about my art. i've been drawing since 8th grade, and I specialize in African American art. i feel like there needs to be more of it! i'm trying to work on this manga called Archangel...but I'm sorta lazy and I get bored easily. :/



You killed my father. You killed my mother. You will not kill me. TEEHEE!

MUAHAHA! TODAY I SAW TERMINATOR 2: SALVATION. THIS. MOVIE. PWNED. It was so awesome! Scary though....a lot of robots. I take it the movie has SOME relationship with has the robots and stuff...

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Ahoy! Another Avi!

Here ya go BBS. I hope it's not too bad!

st00pid copyrights

*mumbles something*
so i just made an amv and it was like almost loaded when it said it had a copyright claim. i spent HOURS on that vid and it wasn't even that long. ;-; thing is i'm kinda dissapointed....not pissed.....or sad......just dissapointed. *sigh* I just deleted use in keeping it if you can't watch it, right? so imma actually go to bed now. almost 2 a.m. here. g'night.

the shamWHOOHOO!

Hellooooooooo! ZOMG I GOT MY REPORT CARD TODAY. I ish quite happy with myself! Algebra: B Spanish: A English: A Geography: A Phys. Ed....

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Messed Up My School life (stolen from cheetahgirlz9)

[x] Gotten detention. [] Gotten your phone taken away in class. [x] Gotten suspended/expelled [x] Gotten caught chewing gum. [] Gotten caught cheating on a test Total: 3 [x] Arrived late to class more than 5 t...

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