My Elbow Hurts. T_T

My sister's birthday was on the 20th and it totally PWNED. She got a REALLY cool play garbage truck (it's AWESOME) and I ended up buying her a messenger bag that she can colour instead of drawing her a picture. (BTW, Linku, thanks for the ideas. Sorry I didn't get to use them, BUT I shall still use them soon!!!!). I had to take off from my job on Monday because that's when her birthday was! The people at Wal-Mart screwed up her cake, it was a blob rather than a flower. So, we made her a THREE layer cake. It was so YUMMEH! She's 11 now. Gosh, she's like a tween now, and a way cooler one than I was. Hehe. But yeah, her birthday was awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The ULTIMATE SPONGEBOB SPONGEBASH was so KEWL! Gosh Spongebob was on 24 hours for THREE (or two...lost track of time, heheh. ^_^;) days straight! And there were new episodes! SPONGEBOB FTW!!!!

I went back to rollerblading. I am getting better, I'm proud to report...did I just see another volunteer?.....Oh yeah, I'm at "work" btw. Back to whatever I was talking about! I scratched my elbow from almost falling. It hurts, I scratched it on the corner of the concrete. ;-;

I'm sorry I wasn't on Saturday. Usually my dad takes me to the library, but he's been working (yay!) so my mom needs to take me now. Thing with THAT is she doesn't go to the library a lot and furthermore, if my mom takes me, it's usually just to drop stuff off meaning that I can't go on the computer during those times....wth is with CNN....anyway, I'm glad that I can get on when I'm at the hospital.

I had the weirdest/coolest dream about the stalker guy with the red hair and glasses....I saw him shirtless a few days ago. o_o I do hope he goes to the same school I'm going to...that would own....

yeesh I wish the nurse next door would stop cursing. It's not fair...;-;...not like I curse a lot...if that's...what you're thinking... ._.


I got asked out the other day....and I said no...the dude wasn't even cute...I guess that answers that question....and now I realize that I am empteh..brb...oh nvm...


I need to pee. T_T
