
lol....i like that title.


so it's 7/28/09. gosh it's almost the end of the month.

well....i went skating (blading?) last night. it was fun, but i skated a lot and furthermore mai legs hurt. T_T Tonight's the all night skate, from 9pm to 7 am. they have video game contests too! I can't go though, I'm not allowed to be up that late. *le sadness*

It's been an interesting yet awesome week. the people i work with are so awesome and alive today! and i had some patients with interesting ailments. slightly busy. i have just seen a cancer patient. ....=(

i see that i'm really needed in this industry. I mean there's like a lot of dull people here and that's not really cool when you're dealing with patients...so yeah, i REALLY want to work with children...i've been working with adults and older people. it's okay, but the children are so much funner (is that a word?) cuter, and more innocent. thing is it's kinda sad to see them in certain conditions.

Oooooooh, there's something else that made this week awesome. Certain folks shall know though, rotfl.

uhm, yeah so now my stomach's like eating itself atm...i need cookehs.

Kruez is out.
