
Happy Valentine's Day to those people in love and Happy Single's Awareness Day to those who yet to have that special someone. I sound like one of those Halmark cards. o_o'

So!!!!!!!! I love my dad's eggrolls! He has skills! I feel really special, because I've been getting TONS of offers from colleges, in the mail and my email. I opened my email box and I had over 48 college things. ._. Thank God! I have the opportunity to pick and choose! I drove to Wal-Mart today, and back. I feel grown up...lolz. It was fun, I'm less nervous! I'm going to be getting my permit sometime next week, yay me! *just reminded she has to study more*

I went to the movies with my friend Amber to watch Percy Jackson and the Olympians. That movie was AMAZING. I'd definently recommend it...spoiler coming up.

Luke was so hot, but he was teh bad guy!!!! And Percy was cuteness! Lolz I think Hades' wife was so pretty, lmao. Grover was cool, but I couldn't get over the goat-leg thing. *baaah* I also liked how they had Lady Gaga and Ke$ha playing...because I like both their songs. xD Hmm, I also found it interesting how the problems in the human world were actually strengths in the other world. Like how Percy's dyslexia helped him decipher Greek, or how his ADHD made him a good fighter. Greek mythology amazes me. lol I couldn't help thinking about that weird looking Posedion on Flapjack when Posedion was in the movie. I totally butchered the name...

Uhm. Yeah. I made this amazing piece of artwork, in my art class, titled Bubbles. It's lurved!

I've come to be more comfortable in myself. ._. As for being less shy, yay! I know it takes an extremely long time for me to, but it's awesome. It's also good and bad...good because I'm making more friends, feeling less uncomfortable; bad because at times I'm sorta a nuisance in class and to teachers.

'tis all. bye! :D
