
today is the last day of break. *le sigh*

i've been playing my little sister's littlest pet shop game. that game is strangely entertaining.

hmm, oh yeah, when i was at the hospital yesterday, i saw this cool picture in a magazine with this couple that looked like porcelein ( i butchered the spelling) dolls. So...I used that picture as a reference and I had an amazing picture as the result. I named it Jack and only if I could find the entire rhyme...anyway, yeah, it's like the couple standing on a stage like a puppet show.

on another note, i drew this really cool picture for a contest about the definition of the word 'ephiphany.' it turned out surprisingly well, all i need to do is go over it with sharpie (which i shall buy when i get the chance) so i can colour it and post it and stuff (same goes for the jack and jill piece).

i cannot wait for you guys to see them- i'm just hoping nothing goes wrong.

so...i'm going to go now. bye! :D
