So I haven't posted in while. I'll try to post more everyday. I just fell down the stairs and my arm hurts badly. I've recently been trying to get over an addiction to the computer, and I'm doing well so far. -_- I'm homeschooled, you guys should know that. I go to school online. And there's this guy in my class, named Noah who I talk to all the time and well, basically he's an awesome person and he's cool. I kind of like him. And he's a red-head. I have a weakness for red-heads. -_- I don't really thiink I should admit to it since it's over the computer and basically it would probably weird him out and everyone else. So what do you guys think? Moving on, moving on...So I have my comic started up for the 3rd and last time. The past few times were...let's just say a CRIME. Hmm........I'm running a contest currently which is going okay, I guess. Not rushing anyone here, but please do not forget to pm me when you're done! I thought about volunteering for being a theOtaku angel, but I've left some bad comments back a few months ago for this guy who was flaming everyone's (including mine) work. So that'll probably work against me. >_< I'm currently trying to get my C up in Algebra. 9th grade is hard. =[ Let's see, nothing else to say here except that I'm coughing alot and I'm about to watch Batman. Alrighty bye! Everyone have a good weekend!
Forever-Forever-never...........FLYING PANCAKES!