Well I read a post in someone's world and I have been tagged. Gotta write 25 things about meself. Here goes.....
1.I'm not normal......I guess. I'm more of a dork.
2.I have an obsession with nail polish and lava lamps.
3.I sniff Sharpies, my washroom and freshly washed clothes on a regular basis.
4. To be honest, I think I SUCK at drawing and should just stop.
5. I'm a gamer and I'm a little violent.
6. I have dreadlocks that I love like my own flesh and blood.
7. I think that what I said on #6 was weird.
8. This is my favorite smiley. <O|_|O>
9. I fall a lot.
10. It just occurred to me that I'll be leaving for college in three years.
11. I'm going to be driving this year.
12. I'm homeschooled.
13. I love debating about basically anything.
14. I'm obsessed with anime and video game guys (no duh).
15. I can be extremely random at times.
16. My favorite word is "guru."
17. I love horror movies.
18. I'm currently looking at this mountain of clothes that should be in my empty closet.
19. My room is extremely dirty.
20. I think accents are cool and I am sad that I don't have one.
21. I'm going to steal Obama and put him in a box in my closet along with all the other people I have stolen.
22. I think Calypso is the COOLEST character on a movie ever.
23. I think Hannah Montana/ Miley Cyrus are dorks and Miley has personality issues.
24. I'm a rocker and a jazz-er (is that a word?)
25. I really want a hacksaw....
Well that's it, I guess. I tag anyone who has gotten this far meaning that you have taken that time to read it and therefore should make one of your own because you rock. ^_^