wow, drama much?

Life can be sweet, as sweet as a pear.
You run around like a child and wake up to a beautiful sunshine.....and the birds sing.
Then something goes wrong. No, nothing bad has happened to you.
You can just feel it in the atmosphere, like something has changed.
Then it slowly happens.....the birds don't sing, everyday is dismal and depressing,
and begin to see it impacting your own life.
You find yourself wearing different clothes,
You find yourself being annoyed with anyone and everyone,
You notice people ignoring you to pay attention to others,
You realize that all the positive things in your life have become negative,
You notice drama in your life-things you don't want to get involved with.
So you shy hide in your room, and you start to dread having to leave it.
You turn to music and television to escape from the reality that is your life,
and then you see it!
a group of people who are just like you- those who can relate to your problems and seem to understand how life can turn from a paradise to something that you can't wait to end.
it's fine for a while, you talk with these people- you get to know them and things get better........
yet, you don't know that even under this shelter from the world lies the very thing you have tried to escape from.
You begin to see once again how people can be-how people can act.
It seems as if the sun finally came up but is once again covered by clouds.
What do you do now?
You want to run away and hide again.....but there is nowhere left to hide.
You're haunted by the fact that running away will only make you a coward- not even brave enough to face things and actually make it work.
You start doubting yourself,
"Heh, maybe I am a coward..."
"Maybe I should just crawl in a hole and DIE."
and then it comes to you, maybe you should just go and sit.
Go and sit and think about things- try once again to find the happy things in life.
Try to find joy in the smallest things...
It's easier said than done, I must say.
