the shamWHOOHOO!

ZOMG I GOT MY REPORT CARD TODAY. I ish quite happy with myself!
Algebra: B
Spanish: A
English: A
Geography: A
Phys. Ed. A
Science: A

Life is going great, I'm going to be gone for a lot of tommorow though. My aunt got her car and we finally get the car to ourselves again. *sigh* You really don't appreciate anything until you don't have it anymore. Hmm, I did a lot of tags yesterday, lol, I learned a lot about myself...either that or the tags brought some things to my attention. My room isn't that dirty and I bought some new clothes. Jeans, two t-shirts and a pair of shorts. =D my summer is going great....although I'm getting kinda bored. gotta go to bed now. 11 pm. night!
