100 Things about Me! (stolen from chee.....teehee!

1.) Name: India
2.) DOB: May 11th, 1994
3.) Nicknames: indy, heart, kruez, h.k., cruiser, heart chick, pwner (teehee i wish), engine #9, jerk....
4.) Bad habits: When I go in my room sometimes to get something I always end up going on my computer. I look for things and realize they are right next to me.
5.) Religion: Christian
6.) Fav. Quote: "Life is good!" Patrick Star.
7.) Email address: [email protected]
8.) Height/Weight/Shoe: 5'6", 165 lbs. 9
9.) Family: mom, dad, two sisters, one second cousin, one grand aunt
10.) School: Homeschool
11.) Hobbies: listening to music, drawing, chatting on theO, gaming.
12.) Specialties: I'm a people person...I'm very happy...at least I think so...did i answer the question?
13.) Sleeping Habits:I guess I go to sleep late and wake up late.
14.) Something good about myself: I enjoy life.
15.) What I think of myself: Totally awesome.
16.) Fav. number: 23
17.) Fav. Season: spring
18.) Fav. Food: hard question...
19.) Least Fav. Food: olives
20.) Fav. Singers/Celebs: Too many. Way too many.
21.) Fav. Sport: basketball
22.) Fav. Flower: pink rose
23.) Fav. Colors: red, blue, purple, green
24.) Thing I do to pass time: listen to my music, draw, play video games
25.) Places I go most often (excluding home): The Mall
26.) Most confident thing I can cook: Spaghetti (failing at spelling but pwning at cooking)
27.) Songs I like these days: i'm listening to a lot of alternative stuff lately...
28.) What do you prefer: Pepsi...and milk....and water...and orange juice..and apple juice
29.) Most important being in my life: well besides God, my family.
30.) Person I like least: someone who i won't name
31.) Kinds of people I detest: Friends who stab you in the back, hypocrites, snooty people, ungrateful people
32.) Something I'm worried about: Making people mad at me or sad because of me. T.T
33.) What I think I was in my past life: I'm not sure really...
34.) If I could be reborn: I would live my life the same...except I wouldn't eat a lot of bread and butter...
35.) When I want to get married: after i get my M.D. ...to someone who loves me for who I am not what they want me to be
36.) What I do when I'm mad: snap at people, listen to music, exercise, punch dolls
37.) Places I want to fix on my face: my cheekbones are kinda high...
38.) My dream/goal: to become a pediatrician. ^-^
39.) Dream Salary: I WANT SOME FILTHY LOOT!
40.) My least liked feature: my arms. T.T
41.) Something that happens everyday: I look for something and realize that it was next to me....I feel as if I've dissapointed someone in some way...
42.) I like/love someone right now: yep. ^_^ *waves to person she luffs*
43.) Jinxes: .....
44.) Something I could go back and do: I would not eat so many bread and butter breakfasts, lunches, and dinners...
45.) What I most regret in my life: Not appreciating what I have.
46.) If I left a will before I die: I'd want my family to be happy and not mourn me too much.
47.) Prized Possession: my Bible...my family...my mp3...
48.) What I want to say to people full of themselves with Prince/Princess Syndrome: Open your eyes and see the world for what it is. Spend a day in someone elses shoes and see how you like it. Basically, get over yourself.
49.) My ideal mate: Someone's who's funny, sweet, nice, and smart, and cute....yes cuteness is a plus..
50.) Spent the most money on: clothes. yeah i'm ashamed.
51.) When you're standing in front of the mirror: I wonder who I really am.
52.) Do you ever want to beat a small kid: sometimes...just one time....they can get pretty smart mouthed...
53.) What kind of kids scare you: Those kids who wine a lot.
54.) If you were to dye your hair, what color would you die it: Green....because it pwns...
55.) Most memorable Movie: Silent Hill....
56.) Why aren't you going out with anyone: I am going out with someone.
57.) If you were to be in a drama what kind of character would you want to play: The friend who's in the background...helping the main character out...
58.) When do you most not like your friends: when they like....go emo on me...and say things about suicide...it really sucks...i hate when they do that...
59.) What do you think of guys who wear makeup: depends...more than eyeliner...*cough* that would be weird
60.) What would you say to the people actually reading this?: I hope this like you know explains me more or something and thank you for reading..
61.) favorite book (comics can be included): Shattering Glass and Smiles to Go
62.) How many kids do you want: Like...four...
63.) How many cards do you have: cards?
64.) How much money do you have in your wallet: atm...$12...
65.) What would you do if you picked up a million dollars: Charity of course...actually to help the homeless and starving around the world. Then I would buy a house for my family, buy some stuff to fill the house, and then buy some stuff for my mother, my father, my sisters, and me! and then the rest would go up for college for my sisters and I and the little bro.
66.) Things I stress over most: school work when I have a late assignment...things i've said...
67.) Someone I want to meet the most in the world: Hmmm.......Obama....and Eminem....
68.) Your grades in school: Are good...I think...I hope...
69.) Do you believe in ghosts: I wouldn't call them ghosts...
70.) A kind of Man you don't like: those that don't appreciate women, those that don't respect women, those who would cheat on their wife on girlfriend and not feel any remorse.
71.) A kind of woman you don't like: those that take another woman's husband or man and rub it in their faces.
72.) Do you think there's a time in your life when you can be happy anywhere and anytime: Right here. Right now.
73.)Do you sleep over at peoples' houses a lot: No.
74.) Something I need right now: some sleep...
76.) What game am I best at: whoa...which video game genre you wanna start with?
77.) What would you say to someone who's about to die: It's been fun...don't be scared...go to Heaven...Hell is hot....and cold...it's scary....
78.) When did you ever feel like cursing yourself? when i did something INCREDIBLY stupid
79.) What do you do when you can't fall asleep: I listen to music
80.) Your favorite/most commonly used phrases: "YOU JUST GOT PWNED."
82.) Good/bad thing about our country: ...a lot of both
83.) Foreign language I want to learn: French
84.) My complex: Loving?
85.) What is there you want to do: Be able to help those who need help.
86.) Do you find anything wrong with your face or personality: i guess....i need to learn a lot...
87.) What I do when I'm stressed: Pray and listen to music.
88.) Have you ever wanted to commit suicide: Once.
89.) What kind of teacher do you hate: the ones who are just. don't. care.
90.) Who's a person who gave you the most hope etc: My parents...
91.) What would you do if someone grabbed your things and started running: I'd tackle them and snatch my stuff back. Then I would resist the urge to beat the living crap out of him/her.
92.) What would you do if you saw a pervert on the street: walk the other way.
93.) What I think of losers/outcasts: That they're the coolest people ever. People get judged a lot...
94.) What are you most scared of?: being alone...
95.) Are you willing to live your life to the fullest: HECK YEAH!
96.) Rain, Snow, Sunshine, Cloudy, Windy which do you prefer: Rain.
97.) Have you ever been attracted to someone you've chatted to online: lol....a lot of times...
98.) What you want to say to your friends: YOU GUYS PWN!
99.) How honest were you: 99.99999999999%
100.) You've finished! How do you feel: Tired. ^_^
