Jenny got a gun....

It's 11:25. PM! TEEHEE!
Dude I'm like soooooooo tired right now. But I shall post for all joo readers out there who read my posts and care about my life...jk....WHATEVER!

So I basically spent all day shopping....spent $88 in total...but I bought things for my aunt and my mom so yeah. Hmm, you know karma? Well I don't call it karma, i call it like "what you do comes back on you." Well today we had these chicken things in wal mart and they're in those little containers and you need to keep those to scan them so you can pay for it...well I was finished with them and i absentmindly through the container away. Thing is I totally forgot (hence the "absent mindly" part) about that so yeah when we went to pay for the stuff I didn't have mine. So my aunt just said ring it up twice, which he did but then I remembered that the one my aunt had was $1.36 while mine was $1.86. Only $0.50 difference, right? so yeah by the time i found out it was too late BUT i did have two quarters. It didn't feel right keeping the $0.50 because it wasn't mine...i mean, even though it's a small amount i still felt bad about keeping it. so on our way out i dropped it in the donation thing for the children's hospital. so i didn't keep the $0.50 anyway. yay me.
check out what happened about an hour after i got home.
My mom liked the dress I bought her but she said that I spent way too much of my money on her. So i'm like "T.T" and she's like "here's what i want you to do. I want you to take this back and get your money back for it." by the way the dress was like $15. so in that case...I couldn't protest...

then it occured to me like 2 hours ago...for not keeping that 50 cents, i got $15 dollars back. is that cool or what?

Lol, I just came from the chat. It was a funny yet weird night.
When I left Adam said "bye mai otaku babey"
Okay...yeah I need to stop staying up so late....i gotta wake up early tommorow. it's their last day of school tommorow. YAY! oh yeah the moon's really weird. 0_o it' yeah...goodnight everyone...thanks for those who helped me with my problems...sorry to those i hurt....Hopefully no weird dreams...
Kruez ish out. ^-^
