omg!!!!!!!! Twilight is coming out November 21st and i'm definately gonna go see it!!!!!!! i can't wait!!! oh by the way, EDWARD IS MINE!! HEHEHE lol I really really really hope they make all 4 books into movies, i'm gonna kill them if they don't!!! ^evil grin^ anyways, right now i'm reading Breaking Dawn and i'm on the part where Edward and Bella made love twice already!! (after their wedding which i think was amazing!!!) it's sad though about the first time they did it because of Edward bruising Bella and Edward said they would never make love again but, he soon gave in after a dream Bella had and started crying because of it!!!!
anyways, i can't wait to read the rest of it!!! hopefully i'll finish Breaking Dawn in time for the movie to come out, but i highly doubt it with all the homework i have to do lol
Vampire Heart^^Anime Vampires^^
Final Twilight Trailer