
Yay! Random advertising time! wHoOt! The following are all the role plays that I am in/know about/own:


The Arena- no basis. very new

Eeveelution Mania!- Pokemon. semi new, not very far.

Tokyo Mew Mew: G2- Tokyo Mew Mew. average. pass first plot, dead spot currently (easy to jump in)

Otomi Babii

Poke Gijinka Revolution- Pokemon. old, top world. Always excepting, and all are invited to jump in.


Pokemon Regions: Holon- Pokemon. average. Very slow moving, small club. Welcome to join.

pokemon dungeon world- Pokemon. young. Died a while ago, and could use a good pick up...

gaara is cool135

Fans of Gaara Fan Club- Naruto. very new. Just started, and could use a lot more people.


Voices- no base. semi new, currently dormant, and could use a pick-up

Digital Destined- Digimon. I am not part of this, but from what I understand, it is fairly new.

Kratos Cruxis

Tales of Paradise- Tales of Symphonia. I am not part of this (yet. I'm still reading the series). Currently hasn't started, and only has one member besides KC-chan.


SuperSmashBros~Otaku Style- SSB. No prior knowledge required. Was a bit fast for a while, then slowed. It's still rather young.

Community Fussion!- no base. Rather far into it. I don't know how easy it is to jump in right now...

Cross Academy- Vampire Knights. I am not in this, so I don't know much about it...

aoi bara

Shinigami Academy- Bleach. REALLY far into it, very fast pased originally. I'm rather lost on every thing except the current basic plot.

Luna chan

The SOS Brigade- The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. I'm not in this one, so I can't tell you much other than it has a lot of members, and that I haven't seen much activity from it.

The Nightmare Club- no base (as far as I know). I just joined this club. It has many members, but has currently seen little activity.


Naruto Next Generation!- Naruto. Somewhere between semi new and average. Moving along at a nice, slow pace. I've been waiting for my partner to post for a while, though...


Animal Crossing: Rp- Animal Crossing (game). Hasn't started yet. Made a while ago, but still waiting on more members

Hybrid Experiment- no base. I really like this one! ^_^ I'm co-leader with moon-chan, and we're moving a long at a nice, average speed. One or two posts throughout the school week, quite a few on the weekend. I HIGHLY recommend!


Kuro Bara Academy- no base. Hasn't started yet, but is still excepting members!


Paranormal Researchers- no base. Hasn't started yet, but sounds highly interesting. Still need a lot more people. Y'all should join! ^_^

Yes, I think that role play is like medicine for the soul! :3 I role play a LOT! And the larger the role play, the funner it is! Look into these!

