Yu-Gi-Oh Questionare! (YGOTAS references included!)

1: Atem
2: Yugi
3: Tea
4: Joey
5: Tristan
6: Marik
7: Seto
8: Mokuba
9: Yami Bakura
10: Ryo Bakura

1) 4 invites 3 and 8 to dinner at their house. What happens?
Joey: So... I heard you called dibs on my pal Atem, eh, Tea?
Mokuba: What about me?
Joey: Why did I invite you again?

2) 9 tries to get 5 to go to a strip club.
Yami Bakura: C'mon, you can show of your amazing singing voice
Tristan: But I want pudding! D:

3) You need to stay at a friend’s house for the night. Do you choose 1 or 6?
Well, hard to say. Sexy protagonist or sexy antagonist with cheese grater abs? I'll go with Marik, just for the cheese grater! *walks out with a few packages of cheese*

4) 2 and 7 are making out. 10 walks in...Their reaction?
Ryo: OH MY CRUMPETS! *dies*
Yugi: Now can I have money?
Seto: Get your own!

5) 3 falls in love with 6. 8 is jealous. What happens?
Mokuba: I want her!
Marik: Back off kid! Your too young! Now where were we ste- I mean, Tea?
Mokuba: But your too old for her! I'LL TELL MY BROTHER!
Marik: Go away before I change your name to Steve and take over your mind!

6) 4 jumps you in a dark alleyway. Who comes to your rescue? 10, 2 or 7?
Umm... Yugi, I guess. Seto's too rich to get blood on his clothes and Ryo would probably get distracted *coughtackledbyfangirlscough*

7) 1 decides to start a cooking show. 15 minutes later what is happening?
Atem: Why am I cooking?! I'm an ancient Egyptian pharoh! I have servants who cook for me! GET IN HERE SLAVES!

8) 5 is in a car crash and is critically injured. What does 9 do?
YB: *laughs maniacally* Oh, if only those fools at the Evil Counsel were here to see this! *continues laughing and takes pictures* *starts poking body with knife*

9) 3 has to marry either 8, 4 or 9. Who do they chose?
O_o I would think she would pick Joey. Though I'm pretty sure she would just not get married if those were her only options.

10) 7 kidnaps 2 and demands something from 5 for 2's release. What is it?
Money. Lots of it. But, wait. He already has that... Maybe one of Yugi's cards?

11) You get to meet either 1 or 6. Who do you chose?
O_o Not this choice again! Ummmmm... Marik!

12) 10 challenges 4 to a chariot race. Why?
Ryo: Because that's what they do in England!
Joey: You Limies are wierd!

13) Everyone gangs up on 3. Does 3 have a chance in hell?
Nope. She would cry for either Atem or Yugi, but if everyone's against her, then they would be too, right? So she would be taken to the darkest corner of the moon and FLAYED!

14) Everyone is invited to 2 and 10's wedding except for 8. How do they react?
Me: well first off... *runs around screaming, crying in pain* Second...
Mokuba: *into mike* Hows the party big bro?
Kiba: Shut up, talking collar.

15) Why is 6 afraid of 7?
Because Tristan's voice gives him super strength!

16) 10 gathers everyone around to tell them a fairy tale. How does it go?
Atem: Shut up you limey fruitcake!
YB: was it stabbed to death? Or was it flayed?
Marik: NO MORE FLAYING! Not after what happened to Bob...
Tea: SHUT UP! Friends don't interrupt each other while they tell fairy tales!
All except Ryo and Tea: Sorry...

17) 1 arrives late for 2 and 10's wedding. What happens? And why are they late?
Umm... how does that work? I don't think that's possible... Unless he was sleeping? Idk...

18) 5 and 9 get roaring drunk and end up at your house. What happens?
Me: Miser! How could you! You lead the goverment! You're supposed to set a good example! How is getting an eight year old drunk a good example!?

19) 3, 8, 6 and 4 all go to the zoo for 8's birthday party. How does it go? What presents do they get 8?
Tea: I got you a new pack of crappy girly cards! Now you can totally beat me at a duel!
Mokuba: Yay! I knew inviting you would be worth it!
Marik: I got you this totally not suspicious contract to sign that gets you... uh... an all expense paid trip to Hawaii for a week!
Mokuba: But I already get those...
Mokuba: Later...
Joey: I got you a fist! Don't you love it! *punches Mokuba*
Mokuba: ow..
Tea: THAT'S NOT NICE! *goes into rant*

20) Everyone gets together and start protesting something outside of your house. What are they protesting? What do you do?
YB: Honestly, what is with you and these bloody quizzes! You could at least show some decency and stop filling these out!
Yugi: I go with what he said!
Everyone else: Yeah! *much mumble jumble and shouting*
Me: I'M SORRY! You can blame Leah for the last few, though... >_>

21) 9 murders 2's best friend. What does 2 do to get back at them?
Yugi: *cries* YOU MEANY FACE!
YB: Yes, yes I am.
Yugi: I challenge you to a totally life threatening duel that could in know way threaten either of our lives!

22) 6 and 1 are in mortal danger. Only one of them can survive. Does 6 save themself or 1?
Totally would save his own butt. Atem is kind of his enemy...

23) Which one of them out of all is most likely to fail at life?
Umm... Probably Mokuba. xP

24) 5 is trapped in a cave. 10 comes to rescue them. What happens?
Tristan: Thanks limey!
Ryo: Your welcome, but could you not call me that?
Tristan: Sure, limey!
Ryo: -_-'

26) 4, 6, and 7 are doing the Hokey-Pokey. 8 walks in. What happens?
Mokuba: Brother, what are you doing.
Seto: Shut up, Mokuba.

27) 1 starts to write a fan-fiction where 9 and 10 are going out. What is 2's reaction?
Yugi: Um, Atem? Could you stop messing up my reputation? I don't really like this stuff...
Atem: Shut up. You thank me one day. The fan girls love this crap.

28) 7 makes an apple pie. Is it any good?
Depends. If he made it HIMSELF, its poisonous. If he ordered the chefs to make it, it may or may not be poisonous

29) 8 and 3 go camping. For some reason they forget to bring any food. What do they do?
Tea: Don't worry! The power of friendship will get us though this!
Mokuba: or I could call my brother...
Tea: Same thing.

30) While they are camping, they run into The Blair Witch. What do they do?
Tea: Be our friend? Share some food? This kid is rich!

31) The quiz is over. What does everyone go to do now?
All: THANK SWEET RA! (or something similar)
Tea: You hear that Yugi?
Yugi: I don't hear anything...
Tea: Exactly! That's the sound of you still not making out with me!


Me: Ohraohraohra.... *assumes fetal position* what have I done... *shot*

Found the quiz on moonsailor-chan's world. ^_^ Use it if you wish.
