I haven't posted in my own worlds in a while. So you subscribers know, I STILL EXIST! I've been posting a lot in role plays up until recently, and currently I either don't know what to post or I have writer's block. Expect a PGR update coming soon, though.

BTW, WATCH THE VIDEO IN THE INTRO!!!!! I love that song, and the video is A-M-A-Z-FREAKIN'-ING!!!!!!!! Soz I couldn't embed it but since its not YouTube... I think theO should offer the ability to embed vids from sites besides YouTube. Like Daily Motion. And Yahoo! Music. And other stuff like that. Seriously. Now go watch that vid.




Watch it yet? No? WELL GO DO IT RIGHT NOW! Reading the rest of this post can wait! WHT R U READING THIS 4 FOO! GO WTCH IT NAO!!!!


Okay, you watched it right? Wasn't it amazing?! The song is Hero by Skillet. I like the girl. My bro says the girl in that band looks kinda like me only older by a few years and my hair is better done.

Here's a picture of the band. The drummer is the girl singing. The one that looks like me grown up. With better hair.

Go listen to their song, "Monster" too. The music video is amazing. When you do you can be a fan girl with me. ^_^

Luv y'all!

~Zoey-chan <3
