In need of some serious advice...

As some of you know, I've been dating this guy for a while now. But the thing is, it's obvious he REALLY likes me. But I don't like him the same way back.

You see, he gets me these REALLY nice gifts. I mean, for Christmas, he gave me this canvas painting of a rose that he did himself and a candy gram. I gave him a Barnes and Noble gift card. For Valentines day, he gave me a real gold bracelet with real gemstones, and a candy gram with a poem he wrote himself. I gave him a candy gram and a Barnes and Noble gift card.

Then there's the dances. I like to dance around with my friends, joking around during slow dances. He always wants to seriously slow dance with me. The problem is, I can't don't like to slow dance... So I try to say, "oh, I'm tired" and the first dance, before I started dating him, I told him multiple times when he tried to convince me into dancing that I absolutely DID NOT slow dance. I failed at it, and I didn't like it. Now, I've slow danced with him thrice, and every time it was awkward. He kept trying to pull me in close, but I kept backing up.

Also, he keeps trying to act like one of my close friends, and won't except that I'm not going to act the same way around him. If I tell him an inside joke, he takes it WAY too far. Like the joke me and one of my best friends have "every time an awkward silence happens, a gay baby is born". I told him, and now when ever we're not talking for more than two seconds, he calls it an awkward silence, in situations where I'm eating, or waiting to get into the Biology lab, etc.

Another reason, he's a very close person. I'm very distant, depending on my personality (yeah, I have a multiple personality problem, if you didn't know). I'm a very DIY person. I don't like to let people do stuff for me. Heck, I was excited about dissecting! I was sad the day I didn't get to cut... And the day we looked at a cow liver under a microscope, I was the first to call getting to cut it. He likes to do stuff for me. Get the door, pick up something I dropped... etc.

And yet another reason, he's kind of stalker-ish. He follows me everywhere, wants to do everything I do, and will even campaign against people who I dislike. For example, my friends cousin gets on my nerves. A lot. So I started playing around and trying to attack him. So now Jacob tries to attack him. And he didn't even know the guys name or anything about him. I said his name. Blank. I said "Leah's cousin". Blank. "Tall annoying red-head". Light bulb! Also, my school has this thing called "Armageddon". It's like an Olympics, shortened down and with stuff added. When ever I wasn't in an event, he was looking for me, or hanging around with me and my friends. If I was talking with my close girl friends, he had to be in on the conversation. If I was playing a card game with some of my other friends, he had to be playing, too. It got REALLY annoying...

My final reason: he just doesn't feel right. It's kind of hard to explain. Basically, I just don't like him back. He just... isn't right for me, and my heart knows it.

So just break up with him!... You may say. Thing is, it's not that easy. If you remember the beginning of this (uber long) long post, he's a really nice guy, and would make a good friend. So I feel really bad about breaking his heart...

I need advice. He asked me to Polar Ice. Should I break up before then and reject the offer, break up there, or break up later, or not break up at all... My head hurts, I'm so confuse, and my heart aches worst of all...

Help me! *cry* TT-TT

