HOLY **** ON A ******* SANDWICH!!!

I just counted how many RPGs I'm in. Any guesses as to the number?

YOU! *points at random person*

Random person: Um, 5?

Me: HIGHER!!! NOW YOU! *points at another random person*

Random person2: 13?

Me: NU! Do you wanna know?

... Do you really wanna know?

... You're sure?

... Are you ready for this?

TWENTY-FREAKING-FIVE!!!!!! (25) You call me insane, I call it insanity+fangirl+boredom+addiction= roleplays coming out of ears!! OH MY HOLY EFFING YOGURT!!!!!! This is madness! No, this is Sparta! No this is One Piece! No this is card games on motorcycles! (soz for the random YGOTAS refferences ^^;) Anyway... If I get really busy or my mom gets really mad about me destroying my brain cells on the Internet, I may drop a few... NUUUU!!!!! NEVER!!!!!!!! D< >O

Don't expect it anytime soon, though. I like all the RPGs I'm in, and I've made so many friends!!! I LUV U GAIS!!!!!!! <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3

Ur second biggest fan (other than ur mom),
