Well, I just finished CCS (Card Captor Sakura) the manga. And like the title says: it's mind rape. Flat. Out. Mind rape. I mean, 5th graders falling in love with their MATH TEACHERS?! WTFH! And then, at the end, some who-knows-how-freakin-old wizard in a kids (5th graders) body tells a woman in her 20s he lovers her, and SHE RETURNS IT!!! I REPEAT, WTFH?! THIS! IS! SPAAAAAAARRRRRRRTTTTTTAAAAAAAAAAA! *eherm* I mean, MIND RAPE!! Not to also note all the Yaoi, Yuri, and possible cross dressing involved... Not that I don't support yaoi by CLAMP (it's FREAKING AMAZING!!!), but all the crap they loaded in there!!!!1!!!11!!!
The plot was pretty good, same with the over all story and the cute factor and everything. And the One Manga translator had the funniest notes ever. (for example: .:CLICKY THE LINKY:. Note the white script in the upper left corner)
So, yeah. That's my rant of the month. Or every other month. Or just some random rant. What ever you wanna call it.