Amazing rps~

Okay, so! There are 2 rps I would like to inform you about~

First belongs to BrotherlyLoveHK (For a link, check the comments on my random survey post for her~!) Basically, she's made the Rosario+Vampire rp that I was thinking about. :3 So~ to all of you who were interested, go check it out nao!!! :D

Second we have T.I.M.E. Academy :D An amazing rp where your OC goes to an academy and discovers you're being used for experimenting!!! Dun dun DUN!!! You can become almost anything EXCEPT full animal. It's going to be REALLY fun! SO GO JOIN RITE NAO!

Neither of these rps have started, so this is the best time to join! *puts on Billy Maize voice* JOIN NOW FOR FULL OLD MEMBER RIGHTS!!!!!! :3

