Holy Jegus, it's been almost a year now! :O

I'm sorry I've been gone so long, and as I've explained to some other peoples already, my life has been INSANELY busy since finals of last school year. -_-U
Then summer was packed, as usual, and my mom was LOOKING for ways to grounded. And for stupid little things to! Like I had one pair of shoes on my floor and "BLUH YOU ARE GROUNDED I TOLD YOU TO PICK THOSE UP TWO MINUTES AGO!"

And then this school year I'm taking 4 AP classes, 3 of which are the hardest the school offers, and my class normally only takes 1 of those three. Yeah, you try taking AP Calc, AP Bio, and AP US History all at once. NOT. FREAKING. EASY.

SO now I think my life has calmed enough to come back~ I won't be as insane with RPs as I once was, but I won't just dissappear for months at a time, at least.

Also, I have a new fandom. And it's called Homestuck. MOST AMAZING WEB COMIC EVER. Oh, and don't read it if your not allowed to read stuff with a whole freaking lot of swear words. Including f-bombs. <_< But it's only a few characters.

Anyway, I need to know what RPs want me back, what's dead, and what I should join. ^_~ But like I said, I can't be insane with them anymore, so I can't be part of, like, 50. I'll have to cap it somewhere.

See y'all! Lots of love~

