Romance and Supernatural manga~

Hello there!~
If you are looking for a romance and supernatural manga I recommend this manga to you. It was entitled as " Love Monster " This manga is one of my favorites! It has actions in it and Romance, but its a bit showy but not that revealing
You will love the story, and also the adventures and hindrances that the main couple will face. And also there's so many revelations that you will definitely love. This is also a comedy type and for that I will tell you that you will never get bored reading it.

It has a extraordinary plot of story, So I think It will be new to you and refreshing ALSO the main Guy is so so HANDSOME! I do like him
and the main girl is so so kawaii! I wanna be like her! XD
There love story is amazing and cute! So I suggest this to you. I hope you will read this! Thank you~ ENJOY! ~

