no one missed me, huh ): *cries in corner*
i just had a random urge to update some of my myotaku stuff. idky, dun ask! (but if you do ask, i'll answer (:)
so yeah. i also had this random urge to draw a spring picture :)
oh, and i rewrote my introduction
i was rereading my old one, and all i could think was "damn, i've changed sooooooooooooo much. like SO much"
so off to frolic in the meadow of myO :)
i've been gone for quite a while......did anyone miss me? yes :D well, i'm probably gunna stay away......
oh, but don't worry, when i find out i'm going to die in 3 weeks, i'll tell everyone where i've been on the internet and why i haven't been here in forever. :)
uhm....let me draw you guys a quick picture as a make up for not being here. im going to delete most of the things in my portfolio because uhm....they make me want to vomit........and then i'll post the new picture up an i'll be gone like the wind :) only like...3 people on here know where i've been, and they're all on a hiatus. some more people know where i've been, but thats just for you guys to sit here and wonder about all your lives :D
oh, and i'm still drawing. i know, my most recent pictures were crap. especially because they were digital work. but i've worked my butt off to perfect my digital artwork...i think i've gotten good.....and i've only been using paint XP i'm still nto that good on paint but i'll improve!!! yeah. haha.....thank you, my 9 subscribers that stayed with me :)i'm hungryyyyyyyy's the picture :)

love you guys :) maybe i'll come back soon, i don't know.
elizabeth mai
Do you have any voicemails on your cellphone?
Don't have a cell
How many times a day do you shower?
At least once
When you wake up what's the first thing you do?
Start yelling at the top of my lungs to wake up everyone, because if everyone's still asleep after i get up, we're all screwed.
Do you play video games?
What's the last thing you bought at the store?
a pack of gum. yes, the gumaholic only bought 1. trying to get rid of my addiction. if only they made a gum that made u stop ur addiction of gum...
How many states have you lived in?
Are you a high school drop out?
Haven't even gone to highschool, but not planning to drop out.(my parent's would keel me if i did, and they'll still have "custody" over me after i finish highschool.... cus of my late b-day)
Left handed or right handed?
Right handed
Look out the window, what do you see?
i don't have a window, i live in a closet
What is to your left?
the rest of my messy room/closet
What was the last thing that made you laugh?
myself, when i was banging on the bathroom door cus i was wondering where my brother was, and when he finally screamed what from inside the bathroom, i ran away(i was gunna tell him sumthin funny, but it wouldn't work if he was in the bathroom)
Who do you think will be a better mom Nicole Richie? Or Christina Aguilera?
Who are they?
Do you read the newspaper?
I watch the news. It's late at night so i have an excuse to stay up a bit later(im a night owl...)
Can you cook?
Yes, but I prefer not to risk our house's life(which my mummy paid off 2 years ago :D)
How many pets do you have?
2, theyre both turtles, named rocky and jumper
Are you close with your parents?
How many best friends do you have?
All of my friends are the best friends i could ever have, I just favor 3 of them more. lolol
What are you doing tonight?
going through the internet before school starts again(we only had 2 days of school last week cus of storming..)
What time is it?
7:25 p.m.
Can you make a dollar in change right now?
Do you read gossip magazines?
I don't like no
Do you like to sing or dance in the shower?
Not brother got mad and kicked me for doing it.
How do you like your eggs?
I'm not a fan of eggs, but when I do eat eggs, I like them scrambled and choppy :D
At McDonalds what do you usually order?
I haven't eaten at McDonalds in forever, but when i do go there, i always just say "get me something with fries, and u can have nething but the fries" to my dad.
Are you a friendly person?
Depends on how you look at it. I tell the truth to the point of dislike, but thats what a friend does, rite?
If you could change one thing about your life right now, what would it be?
That my room wasn't a complete mess.
If you could go back in time, where would you go?
Nowhere,I don't want to change sumthing so it'll mess up my life situation
Have you ever met a famous person?
Yes, apprently, I didn't se ehow he was so famous tho. he was a football player on the jaguars.
Do you look like anyone famous?
Have you ever done drugs?
Yes, everyone has :D
Have you ever woke up and didn't know who the person was sleeping next to you?
Do you have a criminal record?
No, but that's just cus they haven't caught me yet :3.
What really annoys you?
Being ignored on purpose. I'm an attention and some-what control freak :D
What are you listening to?
The olympics, i think
Do you have a account?
A socia-what?
What's your favorite tv-show?
Tom and Jerry
What's your favorite color?
Who do you want to become the next president?
NOT OBAMA, NOT THE RACIST-ONLY-TALK-OBAMA! I'm so sad that hilary dropepd out T T
Are you down with the clown?
What does that mean?
Do you listen to the radio?
All the time
Where you ever voted for prom queen/prom king?
Never been to highschool
Do you play any insturments?
What's the date today?
What are you looking forward to?
Nothing really...oh wait, next weekend :D vacation during school ftw!
When was the last time you were in a swimming pool?
Saturday. It would be today, but the pool was closed cus power outage
When you're in the shower, what's the first thing you wash?
Ma Hair
Do you wear makeup?
I'm allergic to make up(really....i am!) so no
Where is the strangest place you've slept?
udner my friend's bed. I sumersaulted off the end of the bed and ended up under the bed.(when i was asleep.)
How many colors have you dyed your hair?
None, my hair is all the colours i want eet to be(black,brown,blonde,white)
Do you howl on full moons?
Depends on hwo crazy i want people to think i am
Have you ever been hit on by somebody 10 years older than you?
.....the answer i put before was a result in me not being able to read
Lately, I haven't exactly been posting lots of things. I have tons of ideas for pinkie swears, but omg, im so lazy to do them xD. well newayz, it seems like i hardly get ne publicity, and i hardly got ne fans/subscribers. im sorta okay with that....but would appreciate a little more comments, and critique. and then so i wonder y i even bother posting up nething. ive got tons of manga ideas, but iunno if i should make them.
pfffffffffft...hahahahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHA KAKAKAKAKWEKEKEKEKEKEWEKEWEKWekekekekeke! who thought i was serious? im just kidding, ill post nething i drw! well, yah, im so bored >.> xD im such a loser
Rules of the game
- Choose a singer/band/group.
- Answer using ONLY titles of songs.
- Tag 3 more people
Linkin Park
1. Are you male or female?: "Faint"(couldn't think of nething, but my gender seems to do this a whole lot...)
2. Describe yourself: "One step closer"(haha, one step closer to figuring myself out...)
3. What do people feel when they're around you?: "With You"
4. How would you describe your previous relationship?: "Forgotten"
5. Describe your current relationship: "Crawling"
6. Where would you want to be now?: "In the End"(more like at the end of the quiz...)
7. How do you feel about love?: "In Peices"
8. What's your life like?: "Somewhere I Belong"
9. What would you ask for if you had only one wish?: "From the Inside"(maybe i meant to say that i want a wish from the inside of my heart..."
10. Say something wise: "Easier to Run"(wise, huh?*sarcasim*)
Linkin Park Titles suck....