The Bird of the Hermes is my Name, Eating my Wings to Make Me Tame.
Welcome to Hellsing!
The Bird of the Hermes is my Name, Eating my Wings to Make Me Tame.
Welcome to Hellsing!
Whoa! This amv is so badass! Like I don't even know how to describe it, it was so amazing. The music goes great the anime and the creator used some really amazing clips and incorporated it really well. So check it out! ^^
Created by: speed3210
Okay so I know that Hellsing X has been out for like 6 months + but I finall got to watch it today! ^.^ It was great and the ending (well the whole series) followed the manga really well. Um, there isn't much to say about it except that it was badass and really awesome. Classic Hellsing with all the blood, swears, and violence. If your not a Hellsing fan but like gory and violent animes with vampires then you will love this one!
They totally lied! I actually don't know who "they" are, but they lied to me! So Hellsing Ova only had one more episode before completing it's series. So I came to the library today just so I could watch it online, but it's nowhere to be found. It was told that it was to premiere in America on August 29th, but now it won't premiere until late November! >.< Not to lie I was looking forward to it. But now I guess I will have to wait :S
What more can I say, it's one hell of a wonderland here in Hellsing! XD
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