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S'UP DUDES?! So, I'm America, and I'm in a host club here!!! You should TOTALLY ADD ME!!! AND TALK TO ME!!! 8DDD WE'LL HAVE A TOTALLY AWESOME TIME!!!!

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America (Alfred F. Jones)

Age: 19, male
Birthday: July 4
Height: 5'9.6"

His short blond hair has an ahoge, representing Nantucket, sticking up. He wears a tan uniform and a brown bomber jacket with a '50' on the back for the fifty states. His glasses are said to represent the state of Texas.

America is known for not being aware of how "the atmosphere" is when he is around others, but it has been noted that it is not that he lacks the ability to "assess the situation", he simply chooses not to. On multiple occasions it has been shown that, when calm or serious, America can become very logical, reading further into things than he usually would, and actually reading the atmosphere.
His hobbies are sports, games, quick-draw, archaeology, adventures, and making movies.
He possesses an abnormal amount of strength, and has been once seen running around dragging a heavy Rolls Royce, belonging to England, behind him for an hour in order to ask permission to borrow it. In another instant, America was able to stop a car with the heel of his foot.
Aside from being afraid of ghosts and weighing scales, he also fears Marmite.

As America is obsessed with heroes and happy endings, he hopes that his future will be that way.


'sup dudes?!?!

So. I've like, been without a computer 4ever!!!! But i can get on here with my phone now. So Im back!!!! 8DDDD



Totally took this from Artie!!! 8DDDDD

• [x] You are loud.
• [x] You like going to school to see your friends.
• [ x] You’ve had more than a couple detentions.
• [ x] You always have something to do on the weekends.
• [ x] You like to be the center of attention.
• [X] You get above average grades in school.
• [x ] You’ve been called bossy before.
• [X] You’re a bit of a daredevil / you like an adrenaline rush.
• [X] You are athletic.
• [ x] You are one of the best players on your team.
• [X] You would do anything for your loved ones.
• [ x] You like the color red.
• [X] Your favorite class is Transfiguration or DADA.
• [X] You would never break a promise.
• [X] You have many acquaintances, but only a handful of good friends.
• [ ] You get average grades in school.
• [ ] You’ve been called boring before.
• [ ] You don’t like to brag about your achievements.
• [X] You value honesty.
• [X] You don’t mind working hard to get what you want.
• [ ] You like the color yellow.
• [x ] You have a job.
• [X] You are athletic.
• [x ] You are a team player.
• [ ] You are in the middle of the social totem pole.
• [ x] You are easily amused.
• [ x] You like helping others.
• [ ] Your favorite class is Herbology or Divination.
• [ ] You like the music played on the radio best.
• [X] You get good grades in school.
• [] You like to read.
• [X] Dumb people annoy you.
• [x ] You are creative.
• [X] You’ve been called a know-it-all before.
• [ x] You hate cheating.
• [] People often want you to help them with homework or projects.
• [ ] You are more into the creative arts: theatre, dancing, drawing, etc.
• [ ] You are extremely logical in your way of thinking.
• [] You are considered shy or quiet by people you don’t know.
• [X] You like the color blue.
• [ ] Your favorite class is A History of Magic, Charms, or Care of Magical Creatures.
• [] You tend to over analyze things.
• [ ] You can focus and pay attention well.
• [X] You are very competitive.
• [] You like the finer things in life.
• [] You think welfare is a waste.
• [ ] You’ve made fun of someone in the past week.
• [ ] You’ve been called a snob before.
• [] You think the end justifies the means.
• [X] You’re not afraid to say something to someone else’s face.
• [ x] You tend to think people are a bit jealous of you.
• [X] You’ve made someone cry by just saying something to them.
• [ ] You tend to root for the villains in movies, books, etc.
• [X] You are very good with words.
• [X] Above all, you want to be successful in life.
• [] You like the color green.
• [X] You love to win.
• [X] Your favorite class is Potions or DADA.



'sup dudes?!?!?!?! I totally know that Artie's gonna post telling you guys what today is but I totally just wanted to remind you all that Mr. Hero's got a birthday today!!!! 8DDDDDDDD AND I HAVE A TOTALLY AWESOME DAY PLANNED OUT!!!!! *grins*


DUUUUUUUUUUUUUDE! I totally had no idea that there were guitars when you were a pirate!!!! DDDDDDDDDDD8