The beginning of the Meeting

"I am sooo bored!" said Fem!Prussia as she smacked her head down lightly on to the meeting table. She was the first one there in 15 years and she remembered why she liked being late; people were actually there.

She decided to text Fem!America to see when she would be there when suddenly the doors burst open to show the one and only Fem!America.

"I was just about to text you America!" Prussia said in her german accent.

"Sorry dude! Hey, are we, like, the only two here! Crap!" said America looking around the room, throwing her bat on the table.

"Hey I know!"remarked Fem!Prussia. "Ve could draw totally awesome portraits of everyone vhile ve vait here, ja?"

"Ya, like, totally dude!" shouted Fem!America as she jumped up and they started doodling on the blackboard, waiting for everyone to arrive.
