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Welcome to the Hetalia Family!

The basic purpose of this world is to gather as many Hetalia fans out there on the Otaku in one world! We mainly roleplaying here with each member as one country. We also share pictures and other Hetalia related media. Please join us in conquering the world the international fun!

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I was wondering if anyone here ships the character they chose with another character, if so who?

I know I do but no one cares about that.


So Finland did his annual Special Christmas Hetastream ...m-me a-a-and T-Turkey...kinda...well...he took me to a bar...a-and- ...

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Congrats + Updates

OOC for this post!

Okay, so first of all CONGRATULATIONS to PolarStuffings (Sweden) for posting 5 times so far and reaching the next posting level!! You will now have a symbol next to your name in the list of members ^^

Most of the other members are really close to reaching the next level too! If you want to know how many posts you guys have, just ask in the commments ^^

Keep in mind that news/info posts don't count toward your total. For example, this post of mine will not count toward England's total post level. The post where Neko asked everyone about the MSN/iScribble rp group will also not count, etc.

Secondly, I have slightly bad news (well sort of). I have changed the rule that says you can be any country in the world. As of now, you can only pick characters that is in Hetalia canon. For a full list of these canon characters, click here.

I know I said you can have OC's and I'm really sorry to disappoint anyone but I talked with some other members of this world and we all agree that it gets really confusing with the OC's. Even with your explanation about the personalities/traits/etc., we don't always know the relationship between the characters and it makes it harder to post or comment.

This directly affects Andorra, Ireland, and the Dominican Republic. I'm really sorry but you three will have to pick another character. There's plenty of characters not already taken like Hungary, Belarus, Netherlands, Belgium, Seychelles, Poland, etc. Please comment on this post saying which character you want.

Well anyway, that's it ^^ Ciao for now (...wait so I'm Italy now?!)

Why I like m' wife

External Image
and that's why I love m' wife...
I felt like I had to post something = 3 =
photo from pixiv~

Hola!!! ^^


Hola chicos y chicas!!! ^^
LOL soz! ^///^ I mean Hello boys and girls!!!

My name is the Dominican Republic! You can call me DR is u want!
I am only 15, but I'm quite tall.
I've wanted to make some friends with other coutries for a while now. When I heard about this I was like,
"Oh Mis Días! Esto es perfecto!" That means "Oh My Days! This is perfect!"
oh darn it! I hope it don't sound like imma geting ahead of myself! >///<

I know Señor Himaruya hasn't drawn up me or my south American friends, but at least he has drawn Señor Cuba! He's nice to talk to! But his smoking annoys me...

Most of the time, I have a happy-go-lucky attitude, but I am quite protective of my friends. I hate getting into war situations, but I always pray for everyones saftey...

W-Well no more of the bad things! ^^;
On the subjct of wars, I have pretty much no enimies. I mean, me and Haiti have been at each others necks for a while now, but I don't hate Haiti, and won't place Haiti in to my enimies catagory. Even though thay invaided me like 30 years ago... -__-
B-But latly we have got on to good terms, after all, we do share the same Island.

I love Señor America!!! ^///^ He has been my closest allie for years!!! I look up to him as an awesome big brother! I've heard that Prussia is awesome, but I think America is better!!!
Canada, I love him 2! His quiet personality is so gentel! He's so gentel around me, and tells me things will be Ok in the wars. He's so nice and sweet! The last person I love is England, or Iggy, America once told me. He takes care of me aswell! His food tastes a little weird, but it's not as bad as big brother America tells me. England and America are extremly close. They actually make an adorable couple!^^
But when I tell England, he blushes and tells me to have some pineapple.
... I'm curious about their relationship. I WANT TO KNOW!!! > <

My fave food is pineapple, so if anyone doesn't want theirs, send it over to me OK?

Um, that about sums me. I hope that was a good intro into me!
Hope to make some good friends with you all!!!

NOS VEMOS!!!!! SEE YA!!!!! ^^