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Welcome to the Hetalia Family!

The basic purpose of this world is to gather as many Hetalia fans out there on the Otaku in one world! We mainly roleplaying here with each member as one country. We also share pictures and other Hetalia related media. Please join us in conquering the world the international fun!

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Greece's Birthday

Hey everyone today is greece's birthday so that means we dig up treasure and sleep all day you got it, those who refuse to will be cuddled to death by my cats. Unlike that jerk-face turkey!


I've noticed.....

If people don't think I'm dating one idiot I'm dating the other, or Liechtenstein (for the record I would be dead if I was) OR SOME PERSON I DON'T EVEN KNOW!


~Spread the Love~

Bonne Saint Valentin! As you know, Valentines Day (known as Saint Valentin over here) is approaching, and its one of my favorite times of the year *wink* At my house we take advantage of Saint Valentin to share our love by sending flowers, cards, and other little love gifts. How do you romantically spend Valentines Day at your house? Anyone wish to spend it with me? Or atleast give a few gifts to secret lovers?

~From France with love...


I made these aru, and I was very happy to see Alfred was selling them at his place for me. (I made them a little different than my own Shinatty-Chan, as no one can replace him aru!)

Me too! Aru!

Me and Shinatty-Chan aru!

These are so funny!