Mochi!America, Mochi!Italy, Mochi!Canada MMD

Haha I'm mobile and it let me do the URL shortcut! >:D Thumbs up for 4G iPod Touch! Anyways, this video features Mochi!America, Mochi!N. Italy (or just Italy, for now on. I always call S. Italy "Romano"), and Mochi!Canada<3 waving their flags to "Levan Polka". Hehehe... (: It's an MMD, just so you know. The title is "Hetalia 【APヘタリア】 もちもちもち配布 【MMD】米・加・伊" if you wanted to know. I'm too lazy to translate it. *waves hand lazily* Way too lazy... Need to clean my room before S. Korea comes over to work on an animation project for media class tomorrow... One more video...

