He looks a bit older, but I could swear that's Strife in this photograph. You have some explaining to do kid! What the hell is my sword doing there all rusted?! I have been finding a lot of strange photographs like this lately too, so I just want to ask one thing. What the hell is going on?! Is this some sort of propaganda against SOLDIER? I doubt Wutai has the technology to make things like this..
And on top of all that, why me? Why my Buster Sword?! I know it's symbolic, but I didn't think the enemy knew that. Maybe I've been underestimating just what they're willing to do. [rubs temples in deep concentration] Still, Sephiroth is the big-shot around ShinRa. Why not a photo of him bald? And Genesis..why not have a photo with LOVELESS in flames or something? ...Not my Buster Sword..rusted..cracked.. [sighs deeply] This is troubling. I need to go think..