Alrighty then, now is time for my final Kh Oc, Aria! This is the most hyper spaz you'll ever meet but i hope you'll like her (she does too!)
name:Aria Zephus
age: 16
height: 5'8inches
weight: 99 lbs (she has a problem with gaining weight)
hair: long, green
eyes: dark brown
element: air
weapons: claymore, martial arts, black and white magic
personality: very hyper, slightly obnoxious, very caring, a bit of a slacker
Aria is by all means and in every way, a power house. In energy, magic, and fighting styles; so trust me, you dont want to tick her off. You might just end up getting smmacked in the face. Unless your a snake, she's terrified of them!
Well those are my girls, I hope you liked meeting them!
Alright then, anyone who has played the KH games has their favorite World specific ally, right? Mine is Leon and/or Tron, for the obvious reasons that I happen to be Gunblade obsessed and Tron is my fave movie. My little brother however, likes Auron (Olympus Collesium) and Cloud Strife ( mostly because he is way obsessed with Cloud).
But we also have favorites that we think should be in the games too! I personaly think Lightning, Vincent Valentine, or Kain Highwind would make the coolest additions. I mean come on!!! More guns, gunblades, and a bada** DRAGOON!! It doesnt get any cooler than that!
But what about you guys? Who are your faves, and who do you want to be in the games?

Hi everyone! Since im back in school I realized i wont have a lot of time for looking up KH news. SO I was wondering if any one would like to help out. I have one other member as a poster but i think it would be fun to let more people post things like stories and stuff. I mean if it has any relation to Kingdom Hearts you can post(just as long as it is appropriate). So if you would like to help out, let me know and comment or PM me! thanks for listening
Ok, time for the third member of my OC girls! Say Hello Sitara!
Sitara: Um, ... Hello everyone.
Me: Ok lets give them the profile shall we?
Sitara: Yes lets.
name: Sitara Featherhart
Height: 5 foot 3 inches
weight: 100 lbs
hair: blonde
eyes: sea green
element: water
weapons: Sea Stinger Keyblade and a shield
personality: shy, kind, sort of quirky, creative
Sitara is the group's shy little sister. But dont let that fool you, she is very capable of voicing her opinons if she wants to. She enjoys singing and swimming, which is why her nickname is "Siren".
Ok this is for my second Kh themed OC Tala and her spirit guardian Earthshaker.
name: Tala Argoterra
height: 5 foot 4
weight: 106.5 lbs
hair: brown
eyes: dark blue
element: earth
weapons: spiked chain, Pride of the Forrest Keyblade
personality: collected, calm, independent, slightly naive
Tala is perhaps the most practical of the group. She has a strong sense of justice and looks to her spirit guardian for guidance. She knows quite a lot about weapons and is very afraid of the water.
name: Earthshaker (or "Silver" for a nickname)
height: 6 feet even
weight: N/A
hair: silver
eyes: crimson
powers: transforms into mist or a large wolf, wolfsong (very strong type of magic)
weapons: aura
personality: intellegent, hyper, overly dramatic, protective
Earthshaker is a spirit that was born from energy within Kingdom Hearts. She chose Tala as her medium after being chosen by the Earth Crystal. Beacause of this she tends to act very motherly towards Tala and the other girls. She loves to make everything a big deal and tends to call people "Honey" or "Pup".