Again since I'm too lazy to tag other people at the moment I may update this later.
Tag #5 by 21Emmz12
1.) Favorite anime movie?
Definitely, Spirited Away! (I just loves that movie)
2.) Favorite food?
Hard to say: I like a lot of things. I guess it would be: cheese! (Can I have a second? Pineapple!)
3.) Do you like food? If you answered the above question, you must 8|
4.) Drink?
I enjoy a cup of Earl Grey Tea!
5.) Oranges?
Only when someone else peels them for me. I hate that orangy smell that sticks to your hands!
6.) COOKIES!??!?!?
O.o Why yes, I do love cookies. White chocolate chip Macadamia nut are my favorite!
7.) POOP? 8D
No thank you.
8.) .....Did the last question make you wonder, "What are you on?!" xD
I must admit, yes, just a little.
9.) ......AM I WEIRD!??!?! 83
I don't believe in normal! So no!
10.) .......What does EMMA mean?? xD
O.o I have no idea. The name of a person?
11.) Will you have a good day??? :3
I hope so!
Lame, I know. But also fun!
I'm a vampire!