This is an exclusive RP for me and Hulaberry32. You may read the posts, but unfortunately, you may not post yourself.

The army is using a new kind of weapon, and they aren't machines. Also known as Digits, these humans each posses a certain power, and are ranked by their power's strength. What happens when these sheltered military weapons are released into the world? Did anyone expect half of them to go corrupt and attempt to take over the whole human race? And can the other Digits stop them before it's too late? Who has the highest life: the Digits, or the humans?
2 ❤~Ayre~❤
4 ♦ ♦ Eternity ♦ ♦
6 ♠ Juliet ♠
7 ‡ Fox ‡
9☀ Fhyre ☀
1 ♣ Jett ♣
3 ✪ Greyson ✪
5 ☪ Saracen ☪
8 ╰☆╮ Racquel ╰☆╮
10 ◎ Rhys ◎
Ability Upgrades
Jett - 100 Points
Ayre - 80 Points
Greyson - 60 Points
Eternity - 80 Points
Saracen - 40 Points
Juliet - 40 Points
Fox - 40 Points
Racquel - 60 Points
Fhyre - 40 Points
Rhys - 20 Points
I rocked back and forth on the edge of Eternity's claimed bed as I waited for the Digit in question. Oh gosh, what was taking her so long?! Thousands of questions, possibilities, and theories crossed my ...
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✪ Greyson ✪
"Where the hell have you been?!" Jett stood with his arms crossed defiantly across his chest, and glared menacingly down at Rhys, who had decided that now would be a great time to come drag his lousy ass back ...
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♦ ♦ Eternity ♦ ♦
I had never been on an airplane before; it was so exciting! Gazing out the window with longing eyes, I admired the fluffy clouds floating about the sky, and the birds soaring on invisi...
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☪ Saracen ☪
I joined Racquel at the window that Fox had just escaped out of, my breath fogging up the glass as I pressed my nose to it. "Darn..." My forehead banged into the window as the elbow of the eighth Digit found i...
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‡ Fox ‡
Tch. I should've known the whore would've betrayed me... Ah well, kissing her was somewhat worth it. If only she could've been Ayre, then it would have made this whole situation completely worthwhile. Af...
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