Is There a Point?

╰☆╮ Racquel╰☆╮

I crossed my arms tightly across my chest, refusing to move from her spot. "This is completely stupid." Not having a problem with voicing my opinion, I glared at Saracen expectantly.

The fifth digit was completely oblivious to my pessimism, and she stood up on her tiptoes, watching the Digit's retreat from the room. "Let's get this show on the road!" Clapping her hands together, Saracen skipped out of the room, motioning me to follow her.

I sighed dramatically and reluctantly moved my feet from my stationary pose. "I'm just letting you know beforehand that I'm not even going to do anything. This is all pointless, this plan will never work." I glared at the back of Saracen's head, wishing that I could just chop it off or something like that. Maybe something worse. Heat boiled up my her stomach as Saracen nonchalantly shrugged.

"Well then it's a good thing that we don't have the most important job in the operation," the blonde-haired Digit mused, continuing out of the dorm building. Turning around, she faced me and placed her hands on her hips. "Distraction. Shouldn't be too hard, right?" She looked around the base, trying to spot a general or sergeant that might catch them in the act.

I lazily pointed to the doors near the experimental unit. "There's someone." She resumed fixing the pins in her hair before pulling Saracen by the wrist. When the fifth Digit didn't budge,I tugged even harder. "What, you're going to chicken out now?!" Saracen could be so freaking difficult sometimes.

Saracen shook her head defiantly and steeled her icy eyes at me, a new mood taking place on her features. "This is going to work, you just need to trust me!" The annoying clatter of her flats on the pavement irked me, and I felt the need to plug my ears.

Nearing the stationary sergeant, I could make out his blank forward stare and confident stance. It would be easy to make him fall for me, of course. Grinning, I skipped ahead of Saracen and took my mirror out of my pocket. Angling it just right, a tiny ray of sunlight caught the metal and cast a long beam into the sergeant's eyes. He blinked and rubbed his eyes furiously, and I intensified the glare until he was momentarily blinded. Saracen took this opportunity to race towards the man.

Cocking her head to the side (like she always did when she was 'concentrating'), Saracen began to warp the reality. I could always tell when she did this, because the air got slightly thinner and harder to inhale. Looking over her shoulder, the girl nodded. "I'll just have him see the Colonel entering the base, and he'll just go over to meet them."

Rolling my eyes, I returned the mirror to my pocket. "And you think I care? Just do it already!"

Saracen whimpered a bit, but obeyed my bidding. Almost immediately, the sergeant snapped out of his formation and jogged away and out of sight.

Squinting, I could see no other person that would interfere with the plan. Dusting my hands off on my blouse, I turned around and began walking back to the dorms, ignoring Saracen completely. Not like she had done anything extremely important, anyways. She could find her way back on her own time.

Though I was still not convinced that this plan would even work, Ayre wouldn't let it not work. Hooray.

