

Laughing softly at Jett's averted gaze, I grabbed his hand and dragged him along with me towards the dorms. Oddly enough, the same spark of energy I felt upon our contact the first time sent chills down my spine now. What was it about him? It's not like I liked him or anything, so why wouldn't this feeling go away?

Lost in my thoughts as I was, I missed the entry to the dorms by an inch. My forehead smacked into the textured bricks and I stumbled back a few steps before knocking into Jett and therefore falling over myself. Although, this time we did not land on top of each other.

"O-ow!" I exclaimed, rubbing my forehead. Jett had said nothing, so I turned my black-eyed gaze on him. His eyes were not on my face however, but rather... Lower.

Looking down, I yelped with surprise; my legs were spread far apart from landing on the ground, giving Jett full access to the pink lacey underwear I was wearing. Blushing madly and scrambling up into a standing position, I dashed into the building.

What the heck was that?! If it had been any other guy, I would've beat the crap out of him! So why am I blushing and running away?!

"Hey! Ayre! Wait up! I'm sorry!" Jett called after me. I turned my head to the side slightly but kept on running. Panting, I entered Jett's room to find all the Digits already there. They looked at my flustered expression quizzically, although none of them asked about it.

Striding into the room, I slowly regained my confidence, only to have Jett arrive moments later. He didn't say anything, just sat, shirtless, on a nearby desk.

"Alright." I stated. "Gate password?"

"38162***," Greyson answered immediately.

"Guard status report?"

"All eliminated!" Eternity informed me cheerfully.

"I have programmed a military bomb that is set to detonate in less than an hour," Juliet stated in a monotonous voice, as was usual for the green-haired Digit.

"That means we have to hurry! Saracen and Racquel?" I turned on the fifth and eighth Digits next.

"Taken care of!" Saracen grinned triumphantly. I nodded, and laid out the rest of the plan.

"We don't have much time. The experimentalists obviously know something is wrong by now. Fhyre, you are going to be in charge of running as many Digits as you can as far away as possible. You can do this, no?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Sure thing, Ayre-bear!" Fhyre replied with a mischievous grin. Rolling my eyes, I hurriedly continued.

"Greyson is in charge of opening the gates. Fox is in charge of our aerial look-out. Eternity, if anything goes wrong in our plan, you must turn by time and change it!" The three I had spoken to nodded in unison.

"Those I have not assigned a specific job to will keep watch from the ground. Juliet and Fox, may I have the weapons you have brought us?" Gesturing towards the desk I was leaning on, I anxiously awaited what Juliet and Fox had collected to be laid out on the table.

My eyes widened as I saw the machine guns, pistols, you name it, they had it. My smile brightened and I extracted two hand guns from the pile. Fox immediately chose a machine gun from the group, loading it with ammo he had stashed as well. Smirking, he returned to his seat. Eternity chose one of the sleek and silver pistols, gripping it rather awkwardly. Fhyre was about to scoop all the guns into his arms, but I stopped him with a stern glare. Instead, he took a machine gun similar to Fox's, if not a tad bigger. Jett and I went for the modest hand guns, as Juliet reluctantly plucked a revolver from the large assortment of weapons. Saracen chose a rifle, Greyson also chose a handgun, and Racquel grabbed a pistol identical to Eternity's.

Although there had been dozens of guns and the like on the table, now there was only one left. Which wasn't saying very much, considering it was a toy.

"Aww, you're joking!" Rhys groaned, trudging up to the desk to find a lone wooden gun. Fhyre and Fox hid their snickers with loud coughs.

He violently picked up the toy and held the end of the gun, where the bullet comes out, towards his face. "Does this thing even work?!" he shouted, simultaneously pulling the trigger.

There was nothing but silence for a while, until a loud popping noise rung throughout the room. At almost the same time, a small black thing on a string popped out of the thing, colliding with Rhys' forehead. At this, Fhyre and Fox doubled over laughing. A small giggle escaped my lips as well, but I silenced it with a glare towards the ninth and seventh Digits.

"Guys, no more messing around! Let's go!" I ordered them, pointing towards the door. Our mismatched group exited the room without a protest, proceeding down the hall silently. We were greeted with an empty military base as we walked out the door of the dorms.

"I can't wait to get out of here!" Eternity said, throwing her arms up into the air. I chuckled slightly and rushed ahead of the others. When we finally reached the gate, Greyson went and entered the passcode.


My eyes widened as hundreds of troops rushed out of nearby faculties. This was going to be a problem! The others around me were standing still, dazed at the amount we had failed to eliminate.

"Just go!" I screamed, madly pointing towards the half-open gates. I jogged over to where Eternity was and placed a hand on her arm. "You stay here with me in case of an emergency."

"Got it."

"Look! There they are!" A chorus of voices declared. The pounding of feet on pavement was ascending with every second. The beating of my heart threatened the strong resolve I had built up until this time. I wondered if it was too late to turn back now?

"C'mon Ayre. We came this far, what's a little more to us?" A gentle, but strong voice told me. I turned around to find Jett, in all his gorgeous-ness, smirking behind me. I gratefully placed my hand in his and we ran towards the fully opened gates.

"Fhyre, how many of us can you take at a time?" I inquired. My eyes flickered towards the approaching soldiers.

"Three!" I nodded and issued my next orders.

"Alright, take Racquel, Saracen, and Rhys first." They were the least useful in battle. "After that, take Juliet, Greyson, and Fox." As she said his name, Fox landed beside her with a 'thunk.'

"It's all clear!" he said, swaying slightly. I snorted derisively. All clear my butt!

"Then you will take Eternity, Jett, and I." I continued. Before Fhyre could even move, the troops began firing.

"Go, go, go!" I pushed Saracen towards Fhyre, and he picked her, Racquel, and Rhys up simultaneously. He quickly sped away into the distance.

"They're going to shoot us until we hide over there," Greyson said suddenly, gesturing towards the wall to our left. "It's a trap."

"Ya don't need to tell me twice!" I silently thanked him. Didn't need people dying already!

Fhyre returned, lifting Juliet, Greyson, and Fox to take away next. I smiled at him and turned to the oncoming tide of soldiers. Even though they had been running for quite some time now, it seemed as though it was going in slow motion. The gates were pretty far away from the rest of the base, after all.

Bullets rained down on us from above. Eternity would stop time for us so that the bullets traveled the rest of the way harmlessly. The gate had been closed, thanks to Greyson, but they obviously had the password to reopen it. Just as the gates creaked in response to the entered passcode, Fhyre sped up to us.

Hefting Eternity over his shoulder, he grabbed me by the waist and Jett by the scruff of his collar. As he ran, the terrain around us changed greatly. Where we had come from was rainy and dark, but where we were headed had been coated with a heavy coat of snow.

A few seconds later, Fhyre stopped. I slowly extracted myself from his grasp, placing my hands on my knees. That escaping business was hard work, if I do say so myself! I finally wiped my forehead with the back of my hand and plopped down into the snow.

"So... Now what?" Fox asked, breaking the silence.

"Yeah. You didn't just have us escape without a plan once we were out, did you?" Racquel snapped. I shrugged and traced a pattern in the snow beside me. It felt good to be out, even if we had no where to go. In the distance, the sound of an explosion could be heard; the bomb Juliet had programmed had set off.

"What do we do from here on out, anyways?" Eternity wondered, laying on the snow in order to make a snow-angel.

"We go and help the humans better their lives, of course!" I answered. After thinking for some time, I realized that our powers were probably given to us for a reason. If not to help others, what was it, then?

"Help the humans?" Jett scoffed, squatting down so that we were eye level.

"What did you have in mind, then?" I retorted, angrily.

"More along the lines of controlling the humans. Certainly not helping them!" Jett proclaimed.

"Controlling them?! How is that going to help anything?!" I protested.

"Those ungrateful humans think they're better than us! Why should we help them?" Saracen chirped quietly. Greyson nodded in agreement.

Exasperated, I turned towards Eternity. "You agree with me, right?"

"Of course! Nothing could comes out of controlling people!" Eternity exclaimed with a flourish.

"Nothing comes out of helping people, either," Racquel muttered, snapping her compact mirror shut and stuffing it into her pocket.

"You guys are wrong!" I couldn't help but shout. This wasn't supposed to happen!

Racquel rolled her eyes and sighed. "Ayre, face it. You can't always be right. In fact, you're never right!" She laughed haughtily and wrapped her arms around Jett's.

Jett looked uncomfortable, but didn't move to shake her off. Bastard.

"Fine then, if we disagree so much, maybe we should split apart!"

"Fine with me." Was Jett's curt reply.

"Who's with me?" I stared at each of the Digits in turn, hoping at least one of them would join me.

Eternity raised her hand and waved it around in the air. "Me, me, me, me!"

Fox smirked and snaked an arm around my waist. "I'll do anything with you," he murmured, causing me to blush. First Jett, and now Fox?!

"I guess I'm with Fox," Fhyre proclaimed, throwing his arms up in the air.

"Sorry, Ayre." Saracen averted her eyes from mine and took her place next to Racquel and Jett.

Without a word, Juliet moved to stand beside me. At the same time Greyson had walked over to where Jett stood.

"Helping never works out!" Rhys said sadly, joining Jett's side.

The group was now split in half. For some reason, I didn't like how far away Jett was from me. He shook off Racquel then and I did the same for Fox. Without noticing what I was doing, I walked to the center of where the two groups stood, facing each other. Jett met me in the middle.

Impulse is a very scary thing. It caused me to do what I did next. Of course I hadn't thought first, or I would never have done such a thing.

I wrapped my arms around Jett's neck, pulled myself closer to him, and kissed him right on the lips. The sun rose on the horizon just then, casting beams of light around us. The snow began to fall again, light flakes coating my hair and clothes, though Jett and I never parted from our intimate embrace. I pulled away from him, reluctantly, and looked up into his eyes. A shaft of sunlight fell upon me then, a heavenly glow lighting up my expression.

"Are you sure you can't stay with me?" I could barely squeak out. His next words would decide our fate...


Boy was that long! 0____o

Took me forever too!

I hope you enjoyed it! :D
