Breaking Point

✪ Greyson ✪

The whole scene was sickening for me, really. Since no one was talking, I could hardly block out the deafening thoughts of Jett and Ayre. I shuddered, and closed my eyes, pinching the bridge of my nose between my fingers. My head ached. I did my best to ignore everything, until the feelings of the two lovers (or whatever they were at this point) became a little too much, even for me. I could almost feel my own heart breaking. Notice, I said almost.

Ayre's thoughts were confused and slow, as if they were suspended in midair. Aloft and quiet, most of them were something like, "Why is this happening," and "What's going on?" I looked up as I heard "I don't know if I can love you after this," shatter through the mostly silence of Ayre.

At the moment that that thought came to be, I saw Jett and Ayre embracing each other, Ayre's hair sticking to her wet cheeks. After a couple double-takes, I was about to be sick to my stomach. There was too much... Love. Jett was not at all (or didn't seem like) the kind of person who was even capable of loving someone besides himself.

Jett's thoughts weren't very interesting, he seemed to be completely focused on how to let the light-haired Digit down easy. Pft, that was impossible. He failed. "I can't believe I just said that," and "It shouldn't hurt this much."

It was nauseating. My eyes closed once again, and I leaned back against a nearby tree, the bits of snow on the branches falling off once and a while and soaking through my thin shirt. I must have dozed off somehow, though I don't know how that was even humanely possible with the stupid thoughts of everyone else. Nine other people's minds all cramming together in mine. It wasn't fair. But anyways, the next thing I knew, Racquel was in a crumpled heap, and Jett was yelling at her. I felt the urge to laugh, though now probably wasn't the time.

"Come on guys, let's just... Leave Jett alone for now..." Saracen's voice cracked a bit, and somehow I could tell that she felt just as bad as Jett and Ayre had been a while ago. I was the first to leave; I couldn't stand that pathetic emotion back there. Behind me, Racquel's thoughts were simmering.

"Jett is such a bastard, I don't know how Ayre could be okay with him kissing her like that..."

"Shut up, Eight, I don't know how anyone could love you," I muttered, just loud enough for the girl to hear me. It struck me as odd that Racquel didn't shoot back another insult at me; the air seemed dead and quiet. All of a sudden, something cold and hard hit me in the small of my back, forcing the air out of my lungs. I spun around on my heel to see the eighth Digit with her hand covered in soft snow, and her chest rising and falling heavily with 'exhaustion.'

Chuckling quietly to myself (mostly), I looked Racquel up and down as she heated up. "That took you quite a bit of effort there, I'm shocked..."

"Like you could even do anything, Three," she sneered back at me.

I merely shrugged and turned around. I had talked enough for the time being.

The rest of the group was silent, as we trudged up a steep hill, the depth of the snow lessening the further up we went. At the peak of the mountainous hill was a circle of flattened rocks. A good place to sit and wait for the so called 'bastard', I guessed. With my hands in my pockets, I sat down on the driest rock and looked around.

Saracen took a seat directly across from me, while Racquel made an effort to be as far away from me as possible. Rhys, of course, took refuge on the rock right next to me. It felt a bit odd that Jett wasn't there, I didn't have a clue what we were supposed to do know. The thoughts and emotions of the others matched mine. We were kind of all idiots without the number one Digit running the show.

Saracen cleared her throat and rubbed her hands together. "So..." She had been planning to bring up the subject of the Digit's breaking up, but then decided against it; it was too soon, and she didn't want to get mauled by me. Sometimes, it was nice to be feared...

Rhys gulped, his adam's apple bobbing up and down in his pencil-thin neck, if you could even call it that.

Just say it, I thought to myself. Tell everyone how much you wish that you had joined Ayre's group. Tell them all how you never wanted to be bad in the first place, that you're afraid.

Rhys could sense my eyes burning into the back of his neck, and he busied himself with cleaning his glasses, averting my gaze to the best of his ability.

Racquel was too busy tearing daisies from the grass and ripping them in half, then discarding them over her shoulder. She didn't give a damn, that much I could tell. She just wanted to be as close as possible to Jett, she didn't care about this good and evil thing at all. Huh. The things people do for love. She was most likely thinking "He loves me, he loves me not," over and over again, as she destroyed the flowers in between her fingers.

These people were as exciting as cement. I turned myself so that I didn't have to look at their anxious faces, and straightened up a bit as I saw someone climbing up the hill. Jett. I smirked to myself as his thoughts became clearer to me. Dude, this guy was pissed. Not just angry, flat-out pissed. It almost scared me to some extent, but out of the people in the group, I would probably be the least irritating to him.

Saracen perked up as she realized Jett had joined the circle. "Oh, you're back!" She recoiled as Jett shot her a death stare. "I- I'm sorry for what happened to you back there, do you need a hug, or for me to just-"

"Shut up?" Jett guessed, signaling for the girl to stop her incessant babbling. This guy was the real deal.


Jett brushed his long bangs off of his sweaty forehead and took a seat on a rock. "I have a plan," he proposed, not bothering to check our reactions. I, of course, already knew what the plan was, so I decided to tune him out, his voice was irritating me at the moment. That guy. Still thinking about his precious Ayre. I almost keeled over and vomited. Until I heard what he said next.

"We need to take over the world. It's much more than being acknowledged by the humans, we need to seize them and control them. Defeat them. And I know exactly how we're going to do it."


Short post, but I need to write the post where Jett actually says the plan, from the POV of someone who actually cares...

I love writing as Greyson, though, it's fun not having to give a crap and being sarcastic all the time xDD
