Taken Care Of

✪ Greyson ✪

"Where the hell have you been?!" Jett stood with his arms crossed defiantly across his chest, and glared menacingly down at Rhys, who had decided that now would be a great time to come drag his lousy ass back down to D.C.

Rhys cowered under the first Digit's heavy stare and I could almost see the sweat bead down his forehead as his eyes flickered back and forth from the other intense gazes of me, Saracen, and Racquel. "W-W-well I kind of got... Uh... Kidnapped you know, a-a-and they just let me g-g-go..."

Why the boy was shivering was beyond me, but I figured it had to do with the fact that he thought that any moment, I was going to go over there and dump him into a trashcan. I warily glanced around me; damn, no dumpsters. Oh well, guess whatever Jett would do to Rhys would have to do for now... Shrugging, I let my hair fall back into my eyes, before lazily blowing them away with a loud exhale. Rhys took a couple more steps away from me, but then realized he was getting closer and closer to Racquel, who was filing her fingernails back into their unnaturally sharp daggers. Gulping, the tenth Digit decided just to sit down and start kind of rocking back and forth. What the hell...

Jett cleared his throat as if even being in Rhys' presence was embarrassing for him. He then squatted down so that he was right in front of Rhys' face, getting so close that it almost looked like he was going to start making out with the guy or something. Shuddering, I was relieved that Jett's thoughts had nothing to do with any secret romances including the tenth Digit.

He stabbed his finger dead straight into the center of Rhys' chest, who fell backwards, forcing him to look up at Jett. "Now get this straight, you little wimp, if you want to go off and associate with them, don't think that you can just come back and pretend like everything is just fine. Oh sure, you think that we'll all forgive your stupid sorry little excuse. Shut up, quit your wise-ass whining, and prove to me that you can do one simple thing without giving us away. Got it?" His lip pulled back slightly into some kind of sneer, and I won't bother repeating what else that boy wanted to say to Rhys at that moment.

Rhys scooted backwards, nodding, almost in tears. Ha, that would be fun to see, that kid break down in front of Jett... When Rhys tried to send me a pleading glance, I simply shook my head at him and shoved my hands into my pockets and kicked a stray rock that was laying in the grass of the park that we had stopped to figure things out at. As if on cue, the rock was sent flying right into Rhys' face, smashing him square in the nose.

"What the-" the Digit's hands immediately flew to his face, and tears welled up in the corners of his eyes.

I doubled over in laughter, my hands clutching my stomach as it heaved. "That was priceless," I managed to choke out between snickers. I also added in a couple of teasing points in Rhys' direction. "That's what you f*cking deserve, you little traitor!" Finished expressing my views on the situation, I straightened back up and tried to push away the girls' flabbergasted thoughts of 'Oh my gosh, did Greyson actually just say two whole sentences in a row?! They could go die in a hole for all I cared. But it wouldn't do us any good to just have three Digits on our side then, would it?

Jett cracked a small grin, flashing his set of white teeth at me, but then forcefully turned it back into the frown that he wore so often nowadays. Ever since that stupid day with Ayre and blah, blah, blah. Suck it up Jett, be a man, not a woman. Jeesh.

Rhys stood up slowly, still grabbing at his nose (which didn't seem to be damaged in any way, the only thing that was damaged was that semblance of an ego he barely contained in his small body), and nodded quickly at all of us. "Even though it wasn't my fault-" he paused to cast his eyes to the ground, "- I suppose I'm sorry for leaving you guys with Fox."

"Damn straight," Jett said, approvingly. Jaw set, he turned to face the whole group of us. "Now that shorty here has decided to show his face again, I suppose we should get to the next part of this plan of ours."

I rolled my eyes. This plan would never work, if we had to drag along the baggage of Racquel, Rhys, and Saracen. Girls were always a burden, whining, fixing their hair, wondering how their appearances were. And yes, I include Rhys in that list.

Racquel scoffed at Jett, and looked up at the sky, contemplating. "I suppose..."

Saracen nudged Eight in the ribs and nodded at Jett. "Yessir!"

No words came from Rhys. Pft. Except for ohjeezibetillhavetohelpwhatifimessupohnohellkillme. Was that even English?

Jett pinched the bridge of his nose then squeezed his eyes shut before resuming his high and mighty speech. "As I was saying. We're only a couple blocks away from the biggest military artillery supply. We take out the weapons, all of them. Tanks, guns, the whole damn thing. Any questions?"

Stunned, Saracen tucked a stray lock of blonde hair behind her ear and raised her hand hesitantly. When Jett nodded at her, she folded her arms awkwardly down across her stomach and smiled feebly. "Uh, shouldn't that be, you know, the guys'
job? I mean, uh, me and Racquel won't be much help in disassembling weapons..."

There's no stupid questions, no stupid questions, damn it, that was a stupid question. Jett tried to compose himself before replying to the fifth Digit. "You and Racquel are on watch. Just make sure no one catches us. Savvy?"

I chuckled at Jett's old-fashioned word choice, but had no question to ask myself.

Rhys haughtily placed his hands on his skinny little hips and rose his bruised nose up into the air. "I can duplicate myself so we can get the job done faster!"

Jett suppressed the urge to laugh. "Uh, I don't think you're old enough for this job, kid. But yes, that would be the general idea." If you can even lift a gun.

I lazily saluted, as did everyone else.

"Let's go then."

✪ ✪ ✪

"Are you almost f*cking done yet?! How long does it take to do this!?" Jett dared to raise his voice above "indoor", then looked around to make sure he wasn't heard.

"Patience is a virtue," I muttered under my breath, tossing the gun I had just disassembled onto the floor, then kicking it under a nearby tank. I had to admit, we had actually gotten the job done quickly.

"Coast is clear," Saracen whispered, motioning for us to enter the building. It seemed like the whole watch-staff was preoccupied or out to dinner. The whole building was oddly vacant- no sign of life anywhere.

Eight and Five assumed their positions at both sides of the bolted door as Jett forcefully kicked it in. (Though how he did that, I had no idea. Dude's stronger than he looks.)

"Alright, we've got half an hour. Hurry up."

It had been the most uneventful break-in that I had ever taken a part in. What fun is it breaking the rules if there's no one to stop you? I would have liked to hit somebody that night. I guess I would have to "fix" Rhys' face later.

Jett jumped down from a tank, and Rhys stepped out from behind some other weird looking contraption.

"Okay, let's get out of here," Jett said, with a nod.

It was considerably colder outside than it had been inside the artillery hold, and I noticed Jett actually button up his shirt. (it was a miracle.)

Saracen and Racquel assumed we had gotten the job done, and began walking off in search of a hotel or a place to hide for the night. Rhys tagged along behind like a little stupid puppy. Never had I wanted to kick a small dog as much as I did right now. Before trailing behind the group, I glanced back at Jett, who was stopped in his tracks, reading some piece of paper.

"Are you coming or not?"

The first Digit waved me off, then stuffed the paper into his back pocket. "I'll find you guys later, I have something I need to... Uh. Take care of."

And at that, the Digit loped off into the rapidly dimming evening.


Kind of really long, sorry! And sorry for not describing the disassemble stuff in great detail, I was getting really lazy at the end... Ah... Yay, AYRE'S POST!!!
