Action and Reaction

♣ Jett ♣

The moments following our departure from the coffee shop were occupied by me and Ayre trudging out way back through the forest in tense silence, close enough to each other that our elbows would sometimes brush together occasionally. (And sometimes intentionally on my part.) In each instance, I would mutter a half-hearted "'m sorry," though there was no truth behind the words.

At one point, I had absent-mindedly reached for Ayre's hand, but she pulled it back quickly, as if flinching, then tried to disguise it by pretending to chip off some of her nail polish.

"Right," I mused to myself, running a hand through my hair and looking over my shoulder at the morning sun turning the heavens a shade of pink that resembled the hair of the second Digit. Mock me, why don't you.

"Did you say something?" Ayre queried, pausing in the examination of her nails. Her voice remained dull and interested, and she didn't even turn her head.

Considering I was most likely not going to be on very good terms with her after my plan was carried out, I decided it would be best not to reply. The clicking noise of Ayre's fingernails chipping away resumed, and continued to the point where I began to get a headache. It was with great relief that I stopped near a couple of trees after spotting some of the signs that the camp was close-by.

Acting quickly while I still had the chance to do it in private, I caught the Digit girl by the wrist and pulled her into a particularly dense thicket of trees, where we would most likely be hidden from sight. It was mostly Greyson's sight that I was worried about. What a stalker.

Ayre snatched her hand out of my grasp more sharply than she had the last time I touched her, and gave me an oddly cold glare which sent chills down my spine. "What are you doing?!" She hissed at me, rubbing the skin where my fingers had touched her moments ago. Her eyes flashed threateningly, daring me to come up with a good enough excuse.

"I... Ayre, I have to erase your memories." I took a tentative step towards her, backing her up against a tree trunk and reaching out to hold her by her shoulders, in case she decided to make a run for it. Not that it was of much use, because Ayre simply ducked out from under my grasp, letting my hands fall into empty air.

Long tendrils of coral hair fell into Ayre's eyes as she shook her head defiantly. "You didn't say anything about erasing my freaking memories, Jett," she seethed, her hands forming into angry fists.

I attempted a feeble smile and laughed uncomfortably, avoiding the steely faze of the second Digit. "I might have, uh... Forgotten to mention that..." My adam's apple formed a lump in my throat as I made an effort to speak clearly.

"Forgot? FORGOT?!" The trees around us seemed to shake with the magnitude of Ayre's voice, which grew louder and more distressed with each and every word she spoke- of screamed, that is. "That's kind of an important detail to forget don't you think?! Why in the world did you think I would be okay with that!?"

It was in this moment that I chose to stop Ayre's raging by grasping her by the shoulders and brushing my lips against hers. As much as she protested (including punching me repeatedly in the stomach), I still managed to get my hands on either side of her face, pressing my fingertips against her temples. Though regret seeped into every part of my heart and mind, I pushed it away and muttered a single word against the soft skin of Ayre's cheek. "Erase."

Almost instantaneously, a dazed expression spread across the features of the Digit's face, all anger seeming to dissolve. A sigh escaped her pale lips, then she pitched forward and collapsed into my outstretched arms, becoming unconscious upon contact.

A couple of feet outside of the thicket came the unmistakable crunch of a branch snapping under someone's shoe, and then the sound of... Clapping?

Greyson emerged from in between the trees, weaving his way though them to where I stood. A sarcastic grin played around his lips as he applauded slowly. "Well well, dinner and a show," he snickered, eying Ayre's motionless body with a lustfulness that I had never seen before. I noticed he had unbuttoned his shirt halfway, almost mimicking me.

✪ Greyson ✪

The night had turned out even better than I had expecting. My new-found ability to control the minds of whomever I so pleased was proving to be quite useful in these kinds of situations. "Hand over the girl," I ordered, holding my hand out towards Ayre, locking my eyes with the other pathetic Digit that stood before me.

"What do you want her for?" Jett demanded, hugging Ayre even closer to his body, as if he had complete ownership over her. Tch. How barbaric. No matter, I'm sure I could be quite persuasive when it came to... Changing his mind. I felt my lips twist into a smirk.

I causally leaned against a tree, amused, fiddling with the cuffs of my sleeves. "Oh, just my own... Personal entertainment. Now give her here."

Something like a growl came from Jett, and he clutched the second Digit so tightly against his chest that it seemed as if he were strangling the poor girl.

Craning my neck, I peered around Jett's arms to catch a glimpse of Ayre's exposed neck. I jumped at my opportunity, and cleared my throat pointedly. "Might want to check that she's still breathing there, mate." As the first Digit let go of Ayre with both hands in his hast to 'check on her well-being,' I moved forward and swiftly caught her, then lifted her up into my arms, shifting her so that I could carry her bridal-style. Oh the irony. Ayre's breath swept across my bare chest, but I dismissed the disgust I felt and fixed my gaze back on Jett.

"Yes, things are going to be different from now on," I said disdainfully, looking down my nose at Jett, who really was too weak to come up with any witty comeback. Not that his comebacks ever were very clever. "Now don't let me hold you up, let's get on with it, shall we?" With a flourish, I gestured for him to depart from the thicket in front of me. "After you," I mocked him, who had no choice but to obey me.

"Such a f*cking gentleman, you are," Jett mumbled under his breath, almost incomprehensibly, though it wouldn't have made a difference if he had said it any quieter, since I would have heard him anyways. Oh the things he still had yet to learn.

✪ ✪ ✪

Upon our arrival back at camp, the other Digit's were standing in a semi-circle, fidgeting uncomfortably and waiting for my command. Assessing them mentally, my eyes settled on Racquel, who dropped her gaze to the ground.

"Why don't you make Jett comfortable?" Bending over, I snatched up a piece of rope from off of the ground and tossed it over to the eighth Digit, who reflexively threw up her hands to block her face, catching the rope at the same time.

As if a bit confused, Racquel glanced down at the rope in her hands, staring at it for a couple of minutes.

"Well don't just stand there you stupid girl, tie him up! Do I need to be any more specific?" In exasperation, I pushed my bangs up off of my forehead with the palm of my hand and groaned.

Jett made no move to get away as Racquel began wrapping the rope around his arms and torso, then around a tree. The look in her eyes was almost apologetic, as if she actually felt bad for him. Had I taught her nothing? As she finished up, she remained by Jett's side.

"Go away," I stated bluntly, shooing my hands at all the Digit's in general, who climbed back into the tent, with Racquel following begrudgingly behind. "Oh, except for you," I teased in Jett's direction, inspecting the knots in the rope that Racquel had done haphazardly.

Ayre, who was still in my arms, stirred a bit, her thoughts streaming together, slurred and not making any sense. Carefully, I lowered her down to the ground so that she was sitting up against a tree trunk right across from Jett, who would be getting the best seat in the house in a couple of moments.

Her eyelids fluttered, then slowly opened, her eyes groggily looking up at me. "Who're you?"

After sending a mischievous grin back in Jett's direction, I turned my back on him and brushed a strand of hair off of Ayre's cheek, sliding my hand lightly past her ear, then resting it on the back of her neck. Supporting the back of her head, I leaned in and firmly, yet seductively placed my lips over hers. I felt Ayre inhale quickly, pulling the air from my mouth, and I grinned with satisfaction as I pulled her close enough to me that I could feel the racing of her heart. Hungrily, I slipped my tongue between her lips, making sure to make our scene painful for Jett to watch.

Ayre, so obviously confused, mirrored my movements hesitantly, but became more sure of herself as the seconds passed, then moments, her clammy hands clutching at the sides of my jawline.

We continued on like this until I heard Jett's breathing hitch, then the sound of him struggling against his bonds. I nipped Ayre's lip with my teeth, then pulled back with a sense of fulfillment. I held out my hand to her, which she took, then we both stood up together.

Jett's face was contorted into a mix between horror and despair, but he said nothing.

Smugly, I looked down at him. "See Jett, I can do whatever I want now. You brought her right to me, didn't even think about what you would do if I didn't let you back into your previous position as leader." As it became obvious that Jett wouldn't be saying anything to me, I leaned back into a more casual stance, my arms folded loosely in front of me, while Ayre stood behind me, muttering to herself.

"So this means you must be... My boyfriend, right?" She rested her chin on my shoulder and looked up at me waiting for confirmation.

I flashed a grin at her. "That would be correct."

"Oh," she sighed contentedly, then wrapped her arms around my torso, dragging a fingernail down my chest.

Torn, the first Digit couldn't quite decide whether it was worse to look at me, or to look at Ayre. Too bad I had just mentally commanded him to keep his gaze on us- now he wouldn't be able to look away.

I shivered slightly as Ayre began pressing light kisses down my neck, collarbone, and the front of my shoulders. At the same time, she began to unbutton my shirt the rest of the way.

Letting her continue to do whatever she pleased, I cleared my throat and started into my sort of speech. "You've made it so much easier for me, Jett, by bringing Ayre to me. You even erased her memories, one less thing that I have to do. See, it all gets so much better from here on out." I had to pause in my talking to brush Ayre's hand away, which had found its way to the button of my pants. She complied, then simply moved it up to play with my hair.

"As I was saying. Once I get Ayre on my side completely, I will have a clear advantage against those other Digits. Long story short, the leaders of the world will fall under my hand, and I will take my place as leader, president, commander- whatever you wish- of this pathetic world, including the whole human race. Then I'll destroy you along with the other Digits and the humans that show no use to me. And the best part of it, is that you will remain completely defenseless against me."

It was at this point in my monologue that Jett chose to speak up. "What are you talking about!? I'm just as strong as you are, you can't keep me completely defenseless."

I grinned slyly. "I'm afraid that I can. With Racquel by my side now, not yours, you can be without your precious power while I carry out my plan." After looking the Digit up and down with disdain, I chuckled softly. "And it doesn't look like you'll get by on brute force, either." Sighing, I untangled myself from Ayre's hold on me, though kept her hand in mine. "Now, if you don't mind, I'll be needing to get to sleep."

At the end of my statement, Rhys, Racquel, and Saracen appeared back out of the tent and sat down next to Jett.

"Oh, and they'll be keeping watch on you to make sure you don't try anything. Hope you don't mind. Sweet dreams," I called back to him, as I walked back to the tent with Ayre, who giggled at my side. I was beginning to become quite attached to this side of her, if I dared say so.

♣ Jett ♣

The night remained uneventful, and I even found it easy to fall asleep. But the sight that greeted my eyes in the morning made my stomach turn over.

The flap of the tent fell open as Ayre emerged from it, wearing only Greyson's button-up shirt, which fell slightly past the middle of her thighs. She yawned widely and stretched her arms back behind her head, then turned around to call back into the tent. "Are you going to be coming out soon, Darling?"

Defeated, I slumped against my ropes.





