apperance- Hanako has brown hair and blue eyes. She is always seen with a big, red clip in her hair. She usually wears her favorite color (red).
likes-ice cream, squirrels,red, brownies
dislikes-sand, cats(allergic),frozen yogurt (dont mock ice cream!!!)
background/and or personality- Hanako is a pretty normal school girl. She is the 3rd child in a family of 5. She loves ice cream although she almost never eats it. She is really hot tempered and stubborn and can have a hard time admitting her faults. Hanako also never takes things very seriously and often get into fights with her two brothers.
additional (optional) info~
food-Ice cream
activity-Watching Kdramas...
manga/anime- Actually, Hanako doesn't have a favorite anime because she thinks they're all really good (although she prefers dramas...)
Hanako- Are we done?
Me-Why are you asking? Are you in a hurry?
Hanako-No reason...*sweat*
Me-Ok go ahead, I'm done ^^
Hanako-*runs to ice cream truck*
Me-...Its the middle if winter ^^'
EDIT: The outline is by Yumei Hearts UI was doing this for one of her clubs ^^