Hi. I'm Kari Asuka.

Hinata is my best friend

This is a picture of me

I like this song

People say I'm nosy but I always just want to help.


Hey whats up

Sorry this is a short post

Its just yesterday I bumped into Sayon and he offered a hand to help me up.

I think i was red in the face.

New boy

oh boy there's this new boy on my team and I think I have a crush on him

His name is Sayon

He is great friends with Naruto

He is very kind

Heres his picture.

Hi there


Im glad i found this place. It looks interesting.

I showed this story called "Narutos valentine" to Naruto and Hinata (My 2 best friends) And oh boy they both turned bright red. (i showed it to them separately)I thought that story was great.

So anyway I hope every one here is nice
