OMG! I just have to say that this was the WORST Halloween I've ever had. For the sake of mankind, we didn't even gut and cut a jack-o-lantern! What's up with that? NO REESE'S CUPS FOR CANDY EITHER?!! What has this world come too?! We didn't even go on our traditional haunted house run where we try and find the best haunted houses (which aren't many especially in South Carolina). Even worst, WE DIDN'T HAVE COSTUMES!!! WTF is up with that? The only ones we had were these smelly costumes they had back in the 80's which didn't fit and most of them had HUGE holes in them. We couldn't even go out and scare the living crap out of people because we had no costumes T-T. WHERE HAS THE LOVE GONE FOR THIS HOLIDAY?! Man I wish I was back in Florida when they had Halloween Horror Nights at Universal Studios or at least go to Scareowinds at Karowinds in North/South Carolina (it's on the border for those who don't know ). I always loved going to my aunts house where they had this HUGE suburban area with TONS of houses to go and trick or treat at. Too bad I'm 20 years old and considered to be too ancient to do this anymore. The good thing is though that I can still go to parties but all the parties here were TERRIBLE!! Costume bowling would have been fun if I had a costume and if I didn't miss it for work! WHY SUCH A CRUEL FATE?! *sigh* Oh well. I guess there's always next year. Christmas has got to be even better to make up for this atrocity!