I'd lost 2 subscribers (-_-?


I'd lost 2 subscribers!

First one is DistantFriend.
I thought he unsubscribed to me, but after I searched his profile, it's not existing anymore. Maybe, he has terminated his account here in theO.

Second is ************.

I'm really not sure, but he ("he") is still in my subscriptions lists. But he's not my subscriber anymore.


he found it out thnrough here in my world "homo otaku"! Maybe, he has read about my confessions for being a homosexual! Maybe, he felt dissapointed to me. Maybe, tomorrow, he'll unfave to my fan arts, I expect.
But I am aware that some people will reject me for being a homo.
I'm prepared of rejection.

@ tlntsLrioeAy (rumbled letters)

If you're reading this. It's OK. Maybe, you see 'Homo/Gay' like a kind of crap in our society. But I don't feel mad! Honestly, and I swear.
I respect for your opinion.
Anyway, I'm stil your fan.
And you're still my fellow country man.

