An akward moment

So today in English we had a test. Everybody seemed to be freaking out about it. When we got the test, I was having a bit of trouble (so I copied neonbubbles answer on one question)Everything was going fine, until the last 15 minutes of the test. My class barely knows the meaning of the word 'quiet' so some people started talking.(Even though it was a test) So the teacher told everyone to be quiet and took up all the tests! I WASN'T FINISHED YET!!! Then again nobody was. Then after telling another teacher about what has happened, our teacher gave us a sort of guilt trip/lecture on how maybe we won't get anymore time on the test, and if we do it will be at lunch!

Soon the bell to go home went, and behind neonbubbles was the teacher and he said something along the lines of 'this class is horrible.' When I heard it I turned around. when neonbubbles heard it however, she gave the teacher a kind of 'death glare/what did I do? face' and then the teacher said that he wasn't talking about us, and neonbubbles gave out one of the loudest sighs of relief I have ever heard.
